Chaos Has Arrived! (JP)

Ellennah nodded in thanks to Cyrus and pulled out her old phone, typing away at it quickly and sending the message she'd written. She half expected an answer, but went stiff upon hearing a sound that was very rumbly. It reminded her of what the man had spoken of earlier.

Turning her head, she flinched when Kyra came rushing by on Cyrus' motorcycle.

Could this day get any worse? It was all El could think at the moment.

Lydia shook his hand, her lips spread into a straight line - no emotion. It was something she learned how to do a long time ago. As a telepath, she learned how to control certain parts of her own brain, starting with her emotions. "I'm sure you already know, but my name is Lydia Black. I'm head of the militia here, and no, that wasn't by choice. After our first few run ins with east, I was pushed into this position." She said, giving him a minor introduction to who she was. "Do you prefer privacy, or can we get this done with right now?" She asked, not meaning to sound rude, but not able to care.

Cynthia waved to Kyra, a scolding but playful smile on her face. "Kyra, you can't go stealing our new recruit's belongings - that's not how we convince people to stay. However.." she paused and looked to Cyrus before flicking her gaze back to Kyra. "I'm fairly impressed." She parted from Cyrus and Lydia, only walking a few feet away so that she was closer to Kyra. She motioned for El to join them as well. "I assume El filled you in?"

Cyrus did not appreciate the crazy woman taking his motorcycle. It was one of the few things he still had from his old life, a gift from his father. He wasn't going to win anyone's trust by starting fights though. Cyrus shook his head slightly before returning his attention to Lydia, "Leader of the militia? Got it. Let's just... get this over with here and now."

Kyra stopped the motorcycle easily and cut it off before looking at Cynthia, watching at El walked over to them. "Yeah, she sent a text to me...multiple, actually." She explained with a grin toward the spider whisperer. "Hey, Shimmer!" She cooed toward the spider as she kicked down the stand and leaned it on it before hopping off. Pulling the keys from it, she tossed them toward the man. "Yeah, yeah, I know...don't go stealin' shit from people, but I wanted ta take it for a spin. Was fun!" Shrugging, she settled her hands on her hips.

El merely let out a sigh as she stood next to the two other women and pet Shimmer, glancing back at Cyrus.

Cynthia pressed her lips together as to not laugh too loudly - her eyes glistened in the sunlight with genuine happiness. "I'm glad you decided not stay on surface level, I don't think the society could hand you in all your glory." She quipped to Kyra. "Do you know the details of what we're doing today?" She asked, on a more serious note.

Lydia nodded at the man, placed her hands on his temples, closed her eyes, and entered his mind. Surprisingly, after she had killed Malik, using her abilities had become easier. It took all but three minutes for her to remove her hands and open her eyes. "You worked for EAST." She said, her brow narrowing. "From what I can tell, you're a simple man that's learning from his mistakes - but how much have you learned, exactly?" she asked, her gaze locking in on him.

Kyra shifted from foot to foot, never able to sit still for long. "I think so, but explain it again to make sure I'm up to date." She stated and gestured to the porch where a large box was sitting. "I brought my trump card in case it's needed, but I'm hoping it won't be." What was hidden in that box was very precious to her and she didn't like using it often.

El gave them all a quick bow before she started to make her way back into the house. She wanted to get back to work and hide with her spiders, like always. Besides, being a mute meant not many people were up for conversations with her.

Cyrus held back his inner renegade. Adjusting to this new chain of command didn't sit well with him, but he relied on his training. Not that "improvise, adapt, overcome" bullshit. No, his SERE training. Cyrus wasn't willing to lay all his cards on the table at once, and this girl was in a rush. She probably didn't even notice the barriers he put up in his memories. He trusted Cynthia, or more accurately he liked her. But this Lydia girl, something was off about her.

"I've learned that the water around here isn't good for drinking."

Lydia's expression remained unwavering. Though, internally, she found humor in Cyrus's comment. "If you're going with us, I need to know that none of our information is getting out to EAST. The people we're going to meet are family - they're my brothers and sisters. We protect each other, and we've died for each other. I don't need a fucking EAST agent making a mess of things." She tried to hide the part of her that was impressed with what she saw in his mind. Even before his abilities had been triggered, he was skilled. She knew he'd be a great asset to the team, and helpful to their society - but she needed to know that he could be serious. She'd already almost lost someone the day prior, and she wasn't going to risk losing someone because she trusted a soldier that once worked for EAST.

Cynthia took a second to go through her thoughts, gathering all the information. "Lydia's... division..." she started, choosing her words carefully. She knew Lydia didn't like that her "Team" was called the military. Though that's how they introduced that part of the society to newcomers anyway. "Made their way to the capitol yesterday and took the Senator and Governor hostage. Today we're going to meet them in the specified location to televise the hostage situation nationally. Lydia's going to give the government a number for a burner phone, where she will then make her demands. If those demands aren't met..... we're killing the hostages and storming EAST." She said, her voice nearing a whisper. She'd always been agianst murder, she wouldn't even join Lydia on hunts for food. But after seeing what EAST was willing to do, she was ready to fight to back.

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