Little Stumble (JP)

Cynthia turned to Cyrus with a scolding expression. "First of all, you need to stop yelling - El gets uncomfortable in loud environments." She said, placing a hand on her hip and brushing the other hand through her hair. "Second of all... yes it's likely that Kyra stole your bike. I'm sure it's safe though, and I will ask her to return it."

'I can easily send her a message about it.' El replied to Cynthia before looking at Cyrus with dismay. How would she know if Kyra took the bike? Though, the fact Cynthia just answered him she didn't worry about it much. She was just happy the man had been told to quiet down.

Instead of showing her obvious irritation, she offered a few papers to Cynthia that she hadn't given to Johnathan. They were basically just summaries about everything going on up top that spiders had told her about.

Shimmer, the tarantula upon El's shoulder, tilted to one side slightly and offered a wave with one front leg.

Cyrus grunted in dismay, but there was nothing he could do about the bike right now. He shook his head and gave an apologetic look toward El. Cyrus couldn't help but crack a smile when the spider on El's shoulder waved at him. Really, it waved at him. Cyrus was suddenly much less interested in the bike and more interested in the spider. "That little feller is cool as hell." He said, leaning in slightly to get a better look and, of course, waving back.

Cynthia smiled sweetly and waved back to Shimmer before scanning over the papers in her hands. Most everything was steady and silent - which was odd if EAST really knew their general location. She knew Lydia would be pissed when she found out that EAST may be able to locate them soon - and she was going to want to see everything in Cyrus's mind. Cynthia sighed, boundaries she thought to herself. She'd have to communicate some boundaries before allowing Lydia to do a full assessment of Cyrus.

El did this odd thing that made her seem a little like a cat - she leaned back the closer Cyrus got to her and finally took a step backward, only to trip over her own feet and start falling to the ground.

Cyrus turned his head while focusing on El. As she stumbled, he caught her mid fall then gently raised her back to her feet. He never put a hand on her. Cyrus sensed she didn't like personal contact based on how she was trying to create space to begin with. "Careful doll, don't want you to hurt yourself."

Cynthia smiled to herself at Cyrus's display of keen observational skills - it was hard to find people that were truly considerate. As she was about to say something, probably a thank you to Cyrus, Lydia came out of the house - dressed in combat gear with her hair tucked tightly into a bun. Cynthia straightened her posture - Lydia was her younger sister, and she was still a child, but when she came out ready for battle, Cynthia took matters a little more seriously. "Lydia." Cynthia started. "This is -"

Lydia approached and stood in front of Cyrus about two feet away, she was shorter and smaller than him by a lot, but still she reached out her hand with a posture and aura that demanded attention. "Cyrus - I know." She said. "I hear we have an evaluation to do?"

Cyrus didn't know how well he could adjust to an environment where teenage girls were in charge, but the world was crazy enough that this shouldn't alarm him as much as it did. Recalcitrance was a new emotion for Cyrus. After a wistful look toward Cynthia, he decided to just go with it.

"Yeah, I guess we do." He said begrudgingly, while extending his right hand.

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