Reluctant To Go (JP)

"Got it," was all Kyra offered before walking over to the box and picking it up. At first glance the box looked like a simple box that would hold a long rifle of some kind, even having a strap to hang off her shoulder. The way she pulled it on suggested she was in a serious mood, focusing now. "If it comes down to it, I'll do what needs doing to bring everyone back safe." She explained after returning to Cynthia. The expression on her face suggested she was not afraid to kill someone if it came to it. "Though, if mustache is coming along, I doubt we'll have too much to worry about."

Cyrus almost thought they were joking. A paramilitary incursion on E.A.S.T? All the way in Maryland? Or were they talking about a satellite division?

"Wait... what? You kidnapped who? There's an E.A.S.T. satellite division here in Wyoming?" Cyrus had a thousand questions.

Lydia was content enough with Cyrus's reaction - alarmed, but composed. "They use a discreet location to perform experiments on mutants. I've seen it close up - they've turned some of the mutants they've captured into brain dead slaves. They've tortured and killed some others. The experiments they perform on mutants are usually done without anethesia or pain medication. So, if it comes down to taking over EAST, we start there." She was dead serious, so much so that her face could've been the face of a 40 year old woman. The stress lines showed well in the mid day sunlight.

Cynthia nodded along as Lydia spoke, but didn't say anything. The only thing she would worry about is protecting Lydia. She loved all of her close friends, and held them close to her heart - but if she had to choose between the deaths of thousands, and the life of Lydia, she'd choose Lydia. It was well known where her loyalties lie.

Cyrus wasn't surprised by the ongoings of an E.A.S.T. facility, but he was shocked to learn the location. So much of the country out west was in complete disarray. The most shocking revelation was that Wyoming had a governor and senator to kidnap in the first place. Pretty much all of the U.S. west of the Mississippi River was a lawless wasteland with the exceptions of Texas and California.

"So who exactly are you holding hostage? How long has it been since they were taken? Has there been a response team activated?" Cyrus subconsciously began extracting a sit-rep as his military experience pierced through.

Kyra also nodded, knowing she would make sure that Lydia and Cynthia got back safe no matter what. Ever since becoming friends with the teen, she'd chosen to be loyal and help wherever she could and nothing would stop her from making their enemies suffer. The woman was wild and often considered out of control, but Kyra was willing to do what most wouldn't. She had done bad things to protect mutants from danger and she wasn't afraid to do it again.

"When do we go?" She finally asked, looking over at Cyrus and Lydia.

Lydia's gaze flicked from Kyra to Cyrus; "You'll learn on the way." She said before turning away and walking towards the others. "And don't forget -" she exclaimed without returning her focus back to Cyrus, "We don't have the numbers we're used to. So if this goes South, it'll get bloody really fast. We strike with everything we've got." She concluded, walking in front of everyone. Only she knew where her squad held the hostages.

Cynthia followed behind, unarmed, but ready nonetheless.

Cyrus was completely bewildered, these people were crazy. No wonder E.A.S.T. wanted them dead, and soon enough they probably would be. What's the point of building an entire underground city, in secret, just to put a giant neon sign out front by broadcasting a terrorist attack. That worked out great for the Taliban, really rallied everyone to their side. Cyrus seriously did NOT want to go with them, but he also didn't want them to get slaughtered. Fuck... "Wait up... I guess I'm coming. So are we just walking there?"

"Oh, so mustache wants to come along?" Kyra said in a teasing manner, a grin on her face. "How sweet."

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