Interrupted Fun (JP)

Making it outside, Ellennah glanced around nervously in an attempt to spot Cynthia. Where could she have gone? Had that newcomer kidnapped her? It was a panic inducing thought and she had to fight it down with all her will power. Her mouth opened to call out, but no sound released it - unless you counted a sad little whimper.

That was when she noted the slight shadow and looked up...

Cynthia could barely make out the smallest dot below them. She sighed slightly, not wanting to return to the ground. The ground meant she had to return to her responsibilities and endless work load. "I think someone might be waiting for me. So we should probably go back." She said, keeping the gentle smile and soft expression, but her tone was half hearted. "I can't tell if it's John, Lydia, Kyra, El, or some random animal - but either way, I have to go back to the ground."

Cyrus grimaced now that the moment was gone. He looked down toward the ranch and began descending but then he noticed something...

"Hey! Where the fuck is my bike?" He cursed aloud as they approached the ground.

El stared at Cyrus, a complete stranger to her, and raised an eyebrow. What did he mean by bike? Looking toward Cynthia, though, she felt her mouth form a smile that brightened her entire face. It even made her seem pretty, but most never noticed that about it. They just saw a freaky girl that loved spiders, after all.

With quick motions, she began to sign to Cynthia, 'Johnathan told me you were out here. I have a suggestion for the mission that Lydia is heading out to. You should take Kyra.' At the end, she tried to give Cyrus a slight smile, but refused to look at him for too long.

Cynthia laughed lightly as the missing bike - it was likely someone they knew that had stolen it. Once they got to the ground, Cynthia approached El. "Do you know if Kyra is free to go with us? I know that she had someone in interrigation last night. She usually doesn't stick around for long, but I'd be more than happy if she would join us. Her..... skills... would be useful." Cynthia responded. She wasn't sure if Kyra was highly trained and skilled, or if she was just crazy - but either way, she was glad to be on Kyra's good side.

Cyrus was distracted by the absence of his beloved metal steed. "I could have swore I left it right there in the driveway! What the fu-" Suddenly his attention was captured by the young girl throwing gang signs at Cynthia. More specifically the spider on her shoulder the size of a cat. His eyes widened as he locked in on the black and purple arachnid. Purple was one of his favorite colors, so this spider couldn't be all bad, he thought. As a Cynthia replied to the new girl, El, the name Kyra jogged Cyrus' memory.

"Hey, isn't that the girl who took brought my bag inside? DID SHE TAKE MY BIKE?"

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