In Over His Head (JP)

underground Mutant Community - Wyoming

The good feeling Finlay had instantly vanished the moment he saw the look in Demitri’s eyes. The thought that the man would actually cooperate and explain what the heck was going on evaporated into thin air. Talking to this man felt like trying to square up on a skunk, that type of animal would always instinctually get defensive and show its backside.

The boy just thought about dodging the incoming threat. To his credit, he had been raised catching chickens, avoiding the swift kick from a cow, dodging stinging insects that would suddenly jump out at you when picking crops like strawberries. It also helped wearing bagging clothes. He threw his upper body back reflexively so from the waist up he was parallel to the ground. He was held by his legs under the table for an instant before the forceful motion sent him backwards along with the bench. Head over hills he ungracefully went, hit the ground and rolled a couple of feet.

No sooner than he hit the ground the two guards assumed protective positions with threatening stances. One more move, any move, out of the Russian and they would take measures to put a stop. They didn’t have to do anything though, because suddenly the ground beneath Demitri swallowed him up to his knees and sealed shut.

Tessa, an earth manipulator, who had been eavesdropping ever since the strangely acting Johnathan(fin) left her family’s company had stepped in to protect one of their own.

Johnathon(fin) crawled up to his feet. The adrenaline rush on an empty stomach made him feel like he was going to be sick. Correction, he was going to be sick and he had to swallow the little bit of throw up that had found it’s way up to his mouth. “Uggh … what is wrong with you Mr.” Johnathon(fin) exclaimed without thinking. He rose to his feet shakily, making sure to move away from the scene simultaneously.

With the threat neutralized, one of the guards went to console Johnathan(fin) but was brushed off. He just turned and made a break for it.

Demitri watched everything occur and gazed at Tessa when she stepped in, raising his eyebrow once more. "Is that really Johnathan?" He inquired, watching the man basically run away like a child in his own opinion. The entire scene had come off as comical, but he kept those thoughts to himself. No sense in embarrassing the man further.

With a heavy sigh, he crossed his arms, forgetting about his shoulder. The movement pinched at his stitched up injury and he had to drop his arms instinctively. "I've lost my appetite. I'm fine with you dragging me back to my room if you wish." He informed the two guards, but his brown eyes were on Tessa. The fact the man had not actually defended himself the way he expected told Demitri a lot of things, but it wasn't his place to do anything about it.

So, he merely let his two guards lead him out of the dinning hall.

Johnathan(fin) booked it as fast as he was able to get himself to move out of view. It surprised him how fast the gate of a 6’5” man was and he was reaching where he was going faster than he anticipated. As he passed those going about their day, he received strange looks and occasional concerns lobbed his way. He volleyed back the concerns with any comment he could make up to keep going and not engage in any further conversation.

Eventually he made it to a hallway that was currently vacant. He pressed up again the earthen wall and panted. That was exhilarating, equal parts good and bad. It was exciting that he actually pulled it off, albeit badly, and it was scary due to man he met and the thought of getting discovered.

It was then that he felt something metal tapping against his side, now that he had a chance to catch his breath. He looked down at his left side and there piercing through the baggy shirt, beneath his armpit, was dangling the Russian man’s fork. “Whoa … that was close.” He laughed and ran his hands through his hair. Johnathan(fin) then pulled the fork out of his borrowed clothes.

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