The Dream To Meet Telekinetics (JP)

The Next Morning

Cynthia walked out of her room, wearing a short sleeve black shirt and camo-print sweat pants. She knocked on the door to the guards room, where Cyrus had been instructed to stay for the night.

Cyrus woke up, hazy eyed. It took him a moment to remember where he was and register the knock on the door. He climbed out of the cot and opened the door, forgetting to take the time to put his shirt back on. As he swung the door open, Cyrus saw Cynthia standing in front of him, gorgeous as ever. So he wasn't dreaming about that part. "Hello? Oh- hi- hi. Good morning, uh, Cynthia." Cyrus stammered

Cynthia raised her eyebrows at the sight of Cyrus standing in front of her...shirtless. The guy had definitely kept himself in shape since leaving the military. "Uhm.." Cynthia paused, unsure of how to respond. She silently cursed herself. "Thia is fine." She said, clearing her throat. "Lydia's here today, but not for long, so lets go get your evaluation finished with." She turned to lead the way to Lydia, but turned back towards Cyrus, remembering that he was still shirtless. "You may want to get dressed."

Cyrus put his shirt back on then quickly followed Cynthia down the hall. They were going to finish his evaluation? The mental invasion last night didn't count? These people hadn't even asked him why he was here. Cyrus was hoping he'd made the right choice, because from what he saw these people might actually be as dangerous as he was told.

Cynthia asked a guard near the military dorms where she'd find Lydia. She got a short, dry response that Lydia was visiting Finaly in the medical wing before leaving again. Cynthia sighed and turned back towards Cyrus. "Well, we may be waiting for a little while. So, what do you want to do? We could go on a bit of a tour, go upstairs for some fresh air, just talk and get to know each other, or whatever else." She said, offering her signature kind smile.

Cyrus liked the idea of fresh air, and getting to know Cynthia. Lydia was apparently in charge around here if they had to wait on her, which was odd. He thought the older two would be leaders. He was definitely gonna rethink staying around if that was the case. Cyrus shook his head and decided to just feel things out. Maybe feel other things too. "Perhaps we could go outside? I'm sure you have many questions and I for one need a cigarette." He suggested, his morning voice even lower and more melodic than usual.

Cynthia motioned for him to follow her as she led the way upstairs. The guards lowered the earthen walls for her and Cryus without question, and they were soon on the surface. She offered a police wave to Johnathan and Khun as she walked through the house and out onto the porch where she waited for Cyrus to say something. Socializing often came easy to her, she'd always been good with people - but something felt awkward. She couldn't quite place what it was.

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