Don’t Know What He’s Talking About (JP)

underground Mutant Community - Wyoming

Johnathan(fin) was projecting what he thought someone in charge might act and sound like. He had his father and grandfather as examples of male authority figures, but they were nothing like Johnathan. So he couldn’t use them and was in unknown territory, making it up as he went.

“You should be so lucky as to be escorted by these TWO, getting a meal as well, compared with what we could do to you.” He pointed a stern finger like he saw Johnathan do to him earlier. “Careful how you talk to my family or I can make your life very difficult around here.”

Johnathan(fin) took a moment to pretend to get angry and then compose himself. “ …. “ He gave both the guards an encouraging nod and thumbs up, which only made them look uncomfortable. Returning his attention to the prisoner, “I AM Johnathan. What is so important that you needed to interrupt my day?”

Johnathan(fin) felt his gut do a somersault and tie itself in a knot.

Demitri's left brow raised in confusion. Was this man acting like a child trying to be in charge on purpose? It was comical in many ways and a glance at the guards only confirmed that this was odd behavior. "I would have assumed Kyra sent you a message that I needed to speak with someone about my daughter's care once she's brought here." He informed, not giving away who his daughter would be.

Kyra had, after all, sent a message off to Johnathan about Evie's predicament, hoping he could get Khunara ready for the situation. He suspected his daughter might be in bad shape upon her arrival here.

If she ever arrived here.

"I was not complaining about my escorts. They're here for me as much as everyone else. It's a precaution since I'm known for what I used to do." Demitri explained, but didn't let on that he was known in the mutant community as a man that used to hunt them down. It should have, after all, been known. "I just want to know if you've told the doctor about it. My daughter may not be in a good state, both physically and mentally, upon arrival. I just want to make sure she gets good care."

Setting his fork down, he grabbed the bottle of water he'd been given and slowly drank a little while he waited. This almost felt like a game of cat and mouse.

Well now Johnathan(fin) was flooded with curiosity and empathy. Who, what, when, where and how questions flooded his mind. He didn’t hide this internal change externally well at all. His entire expression immediately softened and showed compassion. In addition, he looked hesitantly uncertain for a brief moment … like a youth looking for an adult to swoop in to solve the problem … before he regained his tough facade.

Johnathan(fin) took a deep breath. There were a couple ways he could take this, but he decided on the I don’t know route. “Look … as you can imagine I have a lot going on here. Yes, Kyra informed me about a daughter needing medical care, but If you could please refresh my memory on why that is?” Johnathan(fin) decided he needed to look stronger so he crossed his arms. His gesturing was a bit choppy, indecisive looking perhaps.

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