Are You Johnathan? (JP)

underground Mutant Community - Wyoming

After the awkwardness that had been meeting the doctor, Khunara, and getting his shoulder both cleaned and stitched up, Demitri soon found himself being escorted to the dinning hall. Constantly having guards flanking him was uncomfortable, but he tolerated it due to what Kyra was offering him. He wasn't going to argue over a little discomfort.

Getting some food was fairly easy and he would be at a table alone, taking slow and deliberate bites of food. The man hadn't eaten for a good twenty-four hours and needed some sustenance, but he wasn't one to rush. He didn't want to make himself sick, after all.

Brushing fingers through his blond hair, he ignored the exhaustion still eating at him. "Is there someone in charge to speak with?" He asked, his Russian accent very prevalent with his speech. One of the guards with him had to ask him to repeat the question, so he said it a bit more slowly and they nodded in understanding.

"Hold on a moment, sir." The female of the guards said and glanced about, spotting a familiar face sitting with the kids. "Go get him." She elbowed the man with her.

"Why me?" He hissed back almost comically. It was Johnathan they were going to be dragging over here. "The man scares me."

"Better you than me." She smirked, earning an eyeroll from the man. With a sigh, he walked over to where Johnathan and Tessa were to make the request for Demitri's sake. They didn't want the dangerous man to do more than they allowed.

“Sorry to bother your meal sir, but we could really use your assistance with the prisoner.” The guard said apologetically.

Finlay looked up from his food and around to the others at the table before it dawned on him that the guard was talking directly to him. “What?” He fumbled out.

The guard was more nervous asking the second time. “The prisoner, over there.” He pointed to the man. “He’s been griping to talk to someone in charge, and it might just placate him if you could talk to him?”

Finlay hesitated and showed reluctance. He just wanted to eat his food and hadn’t even gotten a chance to take a bite yet.

Tessa saw his pause and spoke up, “You can say no.” She was giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was trying to take a break from serious matters for just a moment.

Finlay considered his options and decided if he was supposed to be in charge he couldn’t just skip out of it and keep eating. Finlay sat up straighter and tried a commanding voice and stern expression. “I got this, just give me a second.”

The guard thanked him and returned back to his babysitting post. Meanwhile, Finlay gave a playful goodbye with a funny face to those he was eating with. “Duty calls.”

Dimitri would see Johnathan(fin) look a bit uncoordinated in making his way from where he was sitting over to him. In addition, Johnathan(fin) was definitely dressed in clothes that didn’t seem to quite fit his body or his role. He struggled to get his leg up and over the bench, but eventually took a seat and sat up with a puffed up chest.

The guards looked at each other with perplexed expressions.

Demitri raised an eyebrow as he watched the exchange occur from where he was sitting. The Johnathan that Kyra had told him about never hesitated and never acted so...well, childish. He frowned as the other man struggled to sit and finally puffed out his chest as if trying to give a show of confidence. Not to mention the weird glance his escorts shared.

This was just odd.

"Are you Johnathan?" Demitri asked, stabbing his fork into a piece of meat he'd gotten. "I've asked multiple times to speak to you or someone in charge. Sadly, Kyra had work to do and handed me to these two." The way he said 'these two' suggested some irritation on his part, but he wasn't rude with his tone. Merely inconvenienced, it seemed.

The odd behavior perplexed Demitri, but he would wait and see how this 'Johnathan' behaved before he judged anything about him. Something just didn't seem right in his mind, though.

< Prev : The Final Patient Before Lunch Next > : Don’t Know What He’s Talking About (JP)