To The Morning Rounds! (JP)

Johnathan signed back to El "He's a bit jumpy from what I understand. He only just discovered that he's a shape shifter. Lydia saved him from EAST." He recalled Lydia telling him about how she met the kid and how she barely made it in and out of an EAST facility - the girl never ceased to amaze him. "I wouldn't worry about it too much. He'll need some time to adjust. I think he grew up on a farm somewhere." He finished explaining

'He's afraid of spiders,' El informed with her hands and shrugged. 'Lydia probably clamed him down by now, though. I should try to find Cynthia.'

"I hope you find her." Khunara said with a little concern. She hadn't seen Cynthia since the previous night. "She might be still speaking with that new man, Cyrus."

Another new person? El looked very uncomfortable at meeting yet another newbie to the crew.

Johnathan signed to El that Cynthia had been outside on the porch talking to the newcomer. He added in that she and Cyrus had silently passed by them, probably waiting on Lydia, earlier in the morning. "Lydia is carrying out the rest of the mission today, and I wouldn't be surprised if Cynthia tags along - you know how she can get with her overprotective habits." he concluded, his expression betraying his concern for the sisters.

"I do hope they'll be careful. Shouldn't someone else go with them?" Khunara suggested, trying to think of anyone that might be good to go. Sadly, she hadn't been around long enough to go.

El, however, knew the perfect person for that and signed to the pair. 'I'll go speak with Cynthia and suggest they take Kyra along. She's proven to be strong and useful, after all.'

"Kyra?" Khun asked, looking at Johnathan for the answer to that.

Johnathan grinned - it wasn't a bad idea, in fact it was probably the best idea for the situation. "Kyra's another one of the mutants that's been here for a long time - however, she decided to stay on the surface. She carries out solo missions, works closely with Lydia, and helps us out with supplied from time to time. She is, without a doubt, one of the most terrifying people I know. Actually," he corrected himself, "Her and Lydia are the most terrifying people I know." He nodded to El, implying that he was onboard with the suggestion.

With a quick nod, El gave the paid a wave and walked by to head outside.

Khunara watched the brunette go before she and Johnathan continued into the underground. "I do hope she will be okay. That limp of hers has me concerned..." She pointed out, taking note of how Ellennah walked and favored one of her legs. There was no way of knowing what the problem was without a more thorough examination. For now, though, she would leave it and let the spider lover take care of her own issues. "I should check on Finlay first to make sure he's eating his meals properly."

Johnathan followed close enough behind Khunara that he was almost walking beside her, but of course he wouldn't let himself get that close. "She likely has notes on just about everything to do with her limp and anything else. She documents almost everything." He said as they walked through the labyrinth of the underground society. Lydia passed by them and offered no more than a simple, emotionless wave. Johnathan knew that look too well - it meant that Lydia was mentally preparing for battle. He knew that her mission could go wrong in many ways - but didn't think about the possibility of anyone finding where she and her mutant army would be. A new fear bubbled up into his stomach as Lydia disappeared down a different hallway - that may have been the last time he sees her.

As they walked, Khunara offered a respectful nod toward Lydia and, for some unknown reason down in her gut, felt a concern bubble up inside her stomach over the girl. She was only a teenager, a girl who should be enjoying her life and doing silly things, but she was off fighting and protecting people. Wasn't it the adult's job to protect children?

Fighting back such concerns, she looked at Johnathan. "I'll have to ask El for those notes later then." She replied and offered him another smile - a natural smile. Something about him brought out emotions she rarely showed.

So, pushing back all those concerns and worries, she enjoyed his company as she got to work. Her first stop was a patient still recovering from a bad leg injury. After that it was to someone who was going through physical therapy after a lot of burns on them. This continued until they reached Finlay's room, where she knocked on the door gently. "Hello," She said as the nurse handed her his charts.

Johnathan followed Khun around, resembling a lost puppy. He had nothing better to do until Lydia assessed Cyrus - then he'd have more paperwork. For now, trades were in route, everything had been documented, and everything was secure. Once Lydia and Cynthia left though, he'd have to return to the surface to monitor the camera's around his property. He outside of Finlays room, leaned against a wall as he allowed himself to get lost in thought rather than thinking of what may or may not happen to Lydia and Cynthia

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