Breakfast Meets A Spider (JP)

The Next Morning

The Underground

Johnathan woke up early and started breakfast for khun and himself. Lydia and Cynthia had gone back down to the underground society, so he assumed that they would likely be eating there.

Khunara was sipping some coffee and looking over papers from a few patients. Looking up at Johnathan, she offered him a smile. "Shall we go down and check on the patients?" She asked him.

Johnathan placed a plate of buttered toast and a side of elderberry jam in front of khun. "Do you want breakfast first, or do you want to pack it up for a snack later?" He asked whilst filling a butter bell with fresh homemade butter. The land he owned came with a few cows and chickens, along with fertile soil. The majority of his groceries were homemade or homegrown, so it happened often that he made simple meals to start the day off.

Khunara let out a soft and friendly laugh. “I'm happy to eat with you first, John.” She spoke just as softly, her voice sweet as honey. “I meant after. As a doctor, I can't neglect my patients, after all.” She admitted.

Johnathan smiled and sat down at the table text to her with his own plate of food. "Then lets eat quickly." His internal thoughts had almost gone completely silent when she spoke. Something about her gentleness just made everything more vibrant and peaceful in his world.

After they finished their meal, Khunara grabbed up the papers she'd been glancing over and got to her feet. Gently setting the dishes in the sink, she made a mental note to clean them later. "Should we head down to the medical ward now?" She suggested, giving Johnathan that kind and gentle smile of hers. The brown of her eyes seemed to have flecks of gold hidden in them, as if they had brightened just being near him.

Johnathan put his dishes in the sink and approached the hatch door that led to the steep stair case. "After you." He said.

A soft giggle escaped her as she followed the stairs carefully, not wishing to fall. "Always such a gentleman," She commented in an almost flirty manner.

Johnathan, while following behind Khun, locked the hatchdoor and closed his eyes for a second, willing the red tint on his face to go away by the time they were in a well lit area. Once down the stairs, he asked the guards to lower the walls.

Ironically, the walls would already be lowered, revealing the petite brunette known as Ellennah waiting there for them. She had gestured for them to open the walls, but had yet to step forward, giving off that usual show of "will she or won't she" to them. Most times she never moved an ich, but upon seeing the familiar face of a man she considered a brother figure, she bolted through to the pair.

Jumping slightly at the sudden appearance of the stranger, Khun quickly composed herself. "Hello, are you a patient?" She inquired.

El merely shook her head and shoved the notes toward Johnathan.

Johnathan chuckled - he always thought Ellennah had a sort of innocence to her, and he had grown very accustomed to her quirks. "El, this is Khunara. Khunara, Ellennah." He said, introducing them to each other. "El's been here longer than almost anyone else. She was one of the first mutants that we were able to save from this backwards government." He said, gently taking the notes.

"Oh," Khunara said with a slight flush to her face. She'd mistaken the poor girl for one of her patients running around. "Apologies for my assumptions then." Her eyes veered toward the tarantula now upon the top of the other woman's head. "Is that a friend?"

El nodded slowly, not wishing to knock poor Shimmer off. The tarantula offered a little wave to both people with front legs before slowly crawling her way down into the brown locks of the pale woman, who was now gesturing with sign language toward Johnathan. 'I may have scared the new kid by accident,' She explained with her hands.

"New kid?" Khunara asked, revealing what she knew. "So you use sign language?"

El nodded again and spelled out Finlay's name.

< Prev : A Tour, Doctor’s Orders Next > : To The Morning Rounds! (JP)