Don't Bad Mouth Family (JP)

“Come in.” Finlay called out. Hearing a knock at the door was like Christmas.

Walking over to Finlay as she glanced over his charts, Khunara smiled. "Good to see you're healing up well. How are you with eating food so far?" She asked, letting Johnathan do as he pleases at the moment. With her job, she was already very busy, but she loved having the company. He could easily pick up on things and notice something she might not.

“Food has been most appreciated ma’m. None of it goes to waste.” He confirmed as he sat up taller in bed.

Khunara laughed softly and smiled, but it was obviously more strained than her natural smile she often shared with Johnathan. "Well, a little bird mentioned to me that you wanted out of your room. Would you like to have a nurse assist in you walking up and down the hallways? Maybe they can take you on a tour in a wheelchair at some point?"

Finlay could have hugged Lydia for coming through for him. His spirits rose, “Oh yes please, that would be great. I was getting a little stir crazy in here with just myself, not being myself.”

"Not being yourself?" Khunara inquired as she wrote down a few things on his charts. "Are you sporadically changing form?"

He nodded. “Yeah it comes and goes. And when the monster spider was in here it went all kinds of wrong.” He wanted to shiver just thinking about that arachnid again.

Khunara glanced at Johnathan, wondering if he had something to say about that. Spiders were never a bother to her, so she chose to keep her thoughts to herself. "Well, I'm sure the spider wasn't here to cause you trouble." She said in a friendly nature. "Let me get a nurse to come take you for a walk, okay?"

“It was the size of my face!” He exclaimed in exasperation while using his hands to show her. “That’s not a normal spider”. He tried to justify his previous reaction.

“Are those things all over the place down her?” Finlay asked with a worried look.

“Because if they are, I may want to stay in here after all.”

Johnathan pushed himself off the wall and walked fully into the room. "Finlay, I know you're new here, and you're young - so don't take this too harshly." He started, his voice no lower than usual. "El is a really close friend to me, and anyone else who's been here for a long time. It's offensive if you call her spiders monsters. I understand that being so close to them can be uncomfortable, and even terrifying. But every single spider within a 10 mile radius practically befriended her. She keeps them out of the way and away from the people. Shimmer, however, is her best friend. So please..." he started walking a little closer, his tone slipping into something hinting at a bit of a sinister side; "try and choose some kinder words when describing my family." Johnathan didn't talk much, in fact it was rare that he talked to any new comers. But he spoke up nearly every time someone said something about his inner circle. And at this point of his life, the spiders were part of his inner circle too. Before letting himself say anything else, he left the room and pulled a cigarette from his pocket. He lit it in the hallway, took a drag, and breathed out the smoke.

Khunara merely let Johnathan say what he needed to. She herself wasn't fond of having a spider on her, but she wasn't about to freak out over them. Though, she also understood arachniphobia in people, but...she really felt Finlay could use kinder words about a member of this place. "Please, don't take offense from him. He's merely protecting one of his own." She said kindly. "I doubt any spiders will be causing you trouble while you're here, sir. So, I'll ask, do you want a nurse to take you for some walking? It's healthy to keep your blood moving and staying sedentary might create blood clots or other health issues in due time."

Almost like an involuntary defense mechanism, Finlay transformed into Khunara the longer Johnathan was rebuking him. After the man left, Finlay sat there a bit dazed by the stern tongue lashing. He then noticed his complete change and grumbled. “Not again….” Khunara(fin) looked frustrated but resigned his current predicament. Looking at the real doctor and matching her voice perfectly, “yes ma’m … thank you.”

Khunara was silent as she watched the transformation and had to let out a soft sigh before gently patting Finlay on the shoulder. Or was it her own shoulder? She tried not to think too hard about that and stepped out of the room, finding a nurse. "Can you help him go for a walk?" She inquired. "He needs to keep moving..." With this she would explain anything else needed and instructed them to keep her updated if anything changed.

Walking over to Johnathan, she tilted her head. "I do hope you don't smoke around anyone needing oxygen use...that would cause quite an explosion." She said and gently touched his arm. "Are you okay?"

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