A Tour, Doctor’s Orders

Underground Mutant Community - Wyoming

Finlay, still in the form of Dr. Khunara, sat in a wheelchair, feeling a mix of anticipation and trepidation as Nurse Emily wheeled him out of his medical room. Emily, a tall woman with kind blue eyes and a soothing demeanor, had been one of the primary nurses attending to him. Today, she was taking him on a tour of the Bighorn Mountain Haven, the underground sanctuary where he was recovering.

The corridor outside his room was dimly lit, the soft glow of lanterns casting warm shadows on the walls. These lanterns, ingeniously powered by mutants with electrical abilities, created an inviting ambiance despite the subterranean setting.

They entered the living quarters first. The rooms were carved into the rock, with ergonomic designs to maximize space and comfort. Mutant artists had painted murals of natural landscapes on the walls, and art installations added warmth and beauty to the environment. Finlay noticed the intricate details in the murals, marveling at how they brought a touch of the outside world into this hidden haven.

As they moved through the communal spaces, Finlay saw mutants of all ages socializing, sharing meals, and engaging in various activities. A group of young mutants played a board game at a large dining table, laughing and chatting. In a corner, an elderly mutant with the ability to manipulate light created dazzling patterns in the air, entertaining a small crowd. Emily stopped to introduce Finlay to some of the residents, who greeted him warmly. He felt a sense of belonging begin to grow within him, realizing that he was part of a community that understood and accepted him for who he was.

Next, Emily wheeled him into the training areas. These extensive spaces were equipped with specialized materials and safety measures. Finlay watched as a young woman practiced controlling her fire abilities, flames dancing gracefully around her fingers. Nearby, a man lifted impossibly heavy weights with ease, his muscles barely straining. The air was filled with the sounds of training sessions in progress, a testament to the community’s focus on growth and safety.

“Wow,” Finlay whispered, unable to contain his awe. “This place is incredible.”

Emily smiled. “We work hard to ensure everyone can develop their abilities safely. You’ll have your own training sessions once you’re stronger.”

They moved on to the hydroponic gardens, where mutant botanists tended to lush greenery. Rows of vibrant plants thrived in the underground environment, a testament to the community's ingenuity and dedication to sustainability. Finlay inhaled the fresh scent of herbs and vegetables, feeling a momentary connection to the outside world.

“This is amazing,” he said, his voice filled with wonder. “I never imagined something like this could exist down here.”

Emily nodded. “It’s vital for our food supply. We’ve learned to be self-sufficient.”

In the workshops, mutants were busy with crafting and engineering projects. The rooms buzzed with activity as people worked on various inventions and repairs. Finlay saw a young girl with mechanical wings attached to her back, carefully adjusting the gears with her tiny hands. Another mutant shaped metal with his bare hands, creating intricate sculptures.

As they paused at the council chambers, a space designed for community discussions and decision-making, Finlay felt a sense of awe at the unity and organization within the haven. The room’s enhanced acoustics allowed everyone to participate in conversations, ensuring that all voices were heard.

Throughout the tour, Finlay’s thoughts drifted back to his family. He wondered how they were coping with his absence, knowing that his old life was now forfeit. The reality of his situation weighed heavily on him, but he found solace in the knowledge that he was part of a supportive and understanding community.

They finally returned to the medical wing, where Finlay was still recuperating. He was visibly tired but also more informed about the haven that had become his temporary home. Nurse Emily helped him back into his bed, making sure he was comfortable.

“Is there anything else you need?” she asked, her tone gentle.

Finlay sighed and said “no ma’m I am good. Thank you for taking me for a walkabout.” When she left he looked at himself in the mirror. He still looked like the doctor, but parts of his former self were returning.

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