Calming Things Down (JP)

Underground Mutant Community - Wyoming

Everyone’s body language, calm tone of voice and reassuring words were helping Finlay back down from the phobia cliff. He still wasn’t taking his eyes off the spider, but for brief moments, though. As he relaxed, he began to age and grow subtly before their eyes until he looked like the 16 year old self Lydia originally ran into; with the bonus of a medical gown.

“Ok, if you say so?” His rhetorical question was a shot in the dark that he was going to trust them on this even though his gut was saying otherwise.

El stared at the pair in silence and shrugged dismissively. Her mute nature made it almost impossible to read what she felt about the situation, but she was very aware how most people felt great discomfort about arachnids. With her free hand she gestured that she would leave and turned toward the door, tarantula in hand.

She left the room and got the paperwork before continuing on, not wanting to intensify anyone with more fear.

Finlay tried to give the departing lady an apology, but all he was able to muster in time was an apologetic look. He looked to Lydia, now that the possible threat was on its way out. “I keep making a fool of myself around here.” His smile was a mix of shame and humor, more the former. It was like his whole world got turned upside down and normalcy was a thing of the past.

Lydia placed a hang on Finlays shoulder in a gesture of sympathy. "It's a hard adjustment. You've been through a lot in a very short amount of time. It's ok if it takes you a little longer to get the hang of things around here." She smiled at him and took her hand away. "Has everyone been kind to you?"

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