Hello and Goodbye Again (JP)

Underground Mutant Community - Wyoming

Finlay nodded with a positive affirmation, “Oh yes, everyone here has been most gracious and helpful.” He smiled back, the shame from earlier evaporating and his more lighthearted demeanor returning.

“Where have you been? In one of the other rooms?” He asked in curiosity, since it had been awhile since he’d seen the person that saved him. Plus he recalled both of them were in rough shape.

"I've been busy with a mission. Which, I have to get back to shortly." Lydia responded, not wanting to share details of the horrific crimes she may have to commit to force the governments hand in giving mutants their freedom. "I have to go to the surface, but I shouldn't be gone too long. Maybe a couple days." Her smile now carried a hint of sadness. Now that she knew Finlay was awake and doing better, she wanted to stay - funny, she thought. She had never once wanted to stay beneath the surface. She hated it, actually.

“A mission?” He said with an impressed expression. “That sounds like serious business. I am not even allowed to drive the harvester yet back home.” He jested while giving her a genuine compliment.

His cute side smirk lessened when Lydia mentioned she would be heading out again. She was the only person here he had any familiarity with, even if that was very brief, save the nursing staff. It was back to boredom again. He gestured to the room, “Good chance I will be right here waiting for you when you get back.” He paused, “unless you know how to pull strings around here to get me some time outside this room?” He had no idea she was one of the people in charge.

Lydia shrugged, "yeah, should be easy enough. Don't push yourself too hard though. I want you to be up and healthy when I get back." She said, smiling. "I'll talk to the new doctor on my way out. I believe she's head of medical now."

Finlay took two tentative steps forward to the hospital bed. He was expecting the movement to potentially be awkward, but they were his legs so it went smoothly. He took a seat on the bed and smiled with a playful salute. “Aye aye captain.” He appreciated that she would see if he could get some time outside the room.

“And you be safe ok? Hope your mission goes well.” He had no idea how perilous her mission was and how dire the consequences might be, or else he might have tried to talk her out of it.

Lydia smiled half heartedly. There was a lot that could go wrong with this mission. The fact that they'd gotten as far as they were already was a miracle. She had even considered prating to God for the first time in her life when the mutants called from the Capitol to tell her of their success.

"I'll see you around."

Finlay smiled, “Sure thing. Godspeed.” His tone was encouraging.

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