The Travel Plan (JP)

Owl Creek - Wyoming

Perrine smiled in thanks as he took the bowl of stew in his hands. He could feel the heat warming up his palms despite the cold morning air. Taking a seat, he marveled at the steam rising from the bowl and patiently blew on it steadily as he took a seat nearby, but not too close.

He wasn’t yet ready to taste it, it still looked too hot and he didn’t want to burn his mouth. With Sophia’s attention general trained in his direction he signaled at his bowl of stew, pointed to his nose and then gave a thumbs up to indicate that it smelled good. Meanwhile, his mouth was salivating in anticipation.

He was assured by her words that she would speak up for herself when necessary. This was a good thing, for there had been no explanation of the spectrum of risks his group would take while scrounging for supplies and delivering goods throughout Wyoming; and occasionally a neighboring state. In fact, his clients … or beneficiaries … rarely asked him about his experiences, trials, or tribulations in acquiring things for them. The majority of time it was just the usual risky business of being on your own in the wilderness. At times though it could be harrowing.

“Ve bee goiying Storee,” he waved his hand so so. “Den zadlestrwing,” he frowned and gave a thumbs down. “Den Bruffaloo,” he gave a so so to a thumbs up. “Vinaly kleermont,” he gave a thumbs up. “Retorn Zheridan an Undrgwound.” Perrine finished with a thumbs up mapping out their intended travel itinerary.

Sophia tilted her head to the side as she considered all the places that Perrine mentioned. None of them sounded back, but going back to the Underground didn't come off as appealing to her. Perhaps when they returned she could simply stay outside while he went into the building and took care of things. That was a conversation for another time, though.

For now, she didn't mind any of the places they were heading to.

"Whenever you're ready, we can go." She replied after a moment. Her mind was on her meal now, slowly enjoying it.

Honey, however, had finished her potion and was already trying to sneak some extra from Perrine by stepping over to him and sitting down. She let out a gruff noise and stared at the man cutely, hoping he'd share.

Perrine did indeed share, explaining to Honey that he would give her the last third of his bowl. The stew was still hot, but reasonable enough to start on. He used his spoon around the interior edges of the bowl and would blow on it prior to entering his mouth. Once again it was delicious in comparison to the usual meals he experienced. Having a hunter and cook on the trip was going to be an enormous blessing.

Perrine made sure to let’s his expression and sounds express his pleasure of the breakfast stew so that Sophia would know what he was thinking. As promised, when he got down to the last third, he handed over his bowl to Honey to finish.

“Weady Den?” He stood and made verifying eye contact with Sophia before packing up the last few things and finalizing hitching Luna up. He let Sophia handle properly cleaning up the fire pit and cooking supplies. It was best to leave little to no impact on nature, including covering any evidence of your presence.

Once all things had been properly tidied up or put in their place, he got up in the wagon’s driver seat and waited for Sophia and Honey to get aboard as well.

< Prev : Stewpendus Breakfast (JP) Next > : Leaving Owl Creek (JP)