Leaving Owl Creek (JP)

Owl Creek - Wyoming

Honey was extremely thankful for the extra bit of a meal, happily licking the bowl clean until there was nothing left in it, not even a taste of rabbit left. Sophia stroked the fur atop the wolf-dog's head gently with a rare smile on her face. "Thank you," She whispered to her companion and got to work cleaning up, putting out the fire, and making it appear as if the group had never been there. Without a trained eye, a person would just assume nature was as it always had been since the Rupture.


Climbing onto the wagon, Sophia took a seat and looked to Honey. "Coming?" She inquired to the wolf-dog.

Honey responded with a growling snort and did a quick chase of her own tail. This told the wind user that her companion wanted to walk by the wagon and get out some excess energy.

"She'll walk by the wagon for now." Sophia told Perrine, though she assumed he already knew that.

Perrine did already pick up on Honey’s preference. Once everyone was on board, or ready, he signaled to Luna. The wagon lurched to a slow start and incrementally increased into speed to a comfortable trot. They were on their way, off road, to Story, Wyoming.

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