Stewpendus Breakfast (JP)

Owl Creek - Wyoming

Perrine retrieved a cooking pot for the fire Sophia was starting up. “Jzust Funktionl.” He answered her clothing question.

She would have the time to make her stew, as Perrine went to break down the tent and last of the camping equipment not in use. He was silently packing up the wagon and reorganizing things so that Sophia and Honey would have a more comfortable area to relax while riding.

To say he was silent wasn’t actually true, just not talking to Sophia. All sorts of random sounds would manifest from his mouth. Sometimes he would even direct it out into the woods as if he were having a conversation with something hidden in the brush.

When he finished, he looked over at Sophia from the back of the wagon and exclaimed. “Weedy u goa tu Bruffaloo?” It was a pre rupture city, that was now just more of a settlement, further southeast that had managed to survive similar to Sheridan. His question may have come as a surprise, because just last night he mentioned he was going to go this morning back to the mutant underground haven to check on them. Apparently he had changed his mind.

Tossing some of the meat to Honey, Sophia turned her blue gaze to Perrine and nodded. "That's fine," She told him, her voice laced with a hint of reluctance. Where they were going was fairly close to her home, but she doubted they would go anywhere near her old place. Besides, the past was in the past. That's all she needed to remember.

Stirring the stew, she kept silent until it was done a few minutes later. "Got any bowls?"

He could feel her reluctance as clear as her words, but her feelings were her own and not in question for their trip. Perrine was actually pleasantly relieved she so quickly accepted the news. He wasn’t looking forward to explaining his reasons why.

He brought the bowls and a ladle over to her. “My ztop in place inn de middl. Dangerouz butte uzually goodz findz.”

"Thanks," Sophia said as she took the ladle and began to fill the bowls with the stew. "I hope you like this. It's been a while since I made a stew because Honey normally prefers raw meat and all. No sense in making a stew if it's just us eating, you know?" She tried to keep her tone light hearted as she explained this.

Making sure Perrine had a good portion, she began to fill a bowl for Honey and set it down for the wolf-dog. "Careful, it's hot," She warned and poured a bowl for herself. "I'm fine with that, Perrine. I'll go with you and help where I can. If there is anywhere I can't go, I'll be sure to let you know, okay?"

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