Early to Rise (JP)

Owl Creek - Wyoming

As the first light of dawn began to filter through the dense canopy of Owl Creek, the landscape transformed into a breathtaking tableau of otherworldly beauty. The bioluminescent fish that had illuminated the creek during the night gradually dimmed, giving way to the soft, golden hues of the rising sun. Iridescent birds with feathers like liquid gemstones took flight, their colors shifting and sparkling in the morning light. The air was filled with the gentle hum of unseen insects and the distant, melodic calls of creatures awakening to the new day.

Perrine stirred in his concealed hammock beneath the wagon, blinking groggily as the sunlight seeped through the gaps in the wooden planks above him. He stretched, feeling the familiar ache of a night spent in the hidden hammock, his muscles stiff but ready for the day ahead. He listened to the symphony of sounds around him—the rustling of leaves, the soft murmurs of his animal companions, and the gentle lapping of the creek's waters against the rocks.

Peekaboo was already up and about, scampering around the campsite with boundless energy. She darted up to Perrine's hammock, her tiny nose twitching with excitement as she greeted him with a playful tickle. Luna, the ever-patient horse, was contentedly munching on the last of the oats Perrine had left for her. Her sleek coat shone in the early morning light, and her ears flicked in acknowledgment as she noticed Perrine waking.

Whisp, the barn owl, returned from his nocturnal patrols, swooping down to a low branch where he could keep an eye on the camp while he dozed. His eyes, though heavy with sleep, remained half-open, ever vigilant in his guardianship.

Perrine slowly climbed out of his hammock, his movements careful and deliberate. He emerged from under the wagon, feeling the cool morning air against his skin. The sight of Owl Creek in the morning never failed to take his breath away.

Perrine set about his morning routine with practiced efficiency. He first dismantled his hammock, folding it neatly and stowing it away in the wagon's hidden compartment. He checked the false bottom, ensuring that the rifle, machete, and dented metal baseball bat were all in place and ready for any unexpected dangers. His movements were smooth and methodical, a testament to the countless mornings he had spent preparing for the day in this manner.

Next, he turned his attention to Luna. He approached her slowly, speaking in the soft, soothing tones of the horse language they shared. Luna nickered in response, her eyes softening as Perrine ran his hands over her back, brushing away any stray pieces of hay or dirt. He secured the harness, ensuring that it was snug but comfortable for the journey ahead. Luna nudged him affectionately, her warm breath a comforting presence in the cool morning air.

As a light sleeper, Sophia was up before Perrine and had taken it upon herself to do a little hunting while her companion still slept. She made sure Honey kept guard while she had been gone, so to find her new friend up and about upon her return was nice. She slowly walked over to him and held up the new mutated rabbits she had caught. "Breakfast?" She asked him in her stiff but soft voice.

Turning without waiting for an answer, she went over to start a new fire. She would use the old trick of two rocks, getting some flint to burn and got the fire to grow with some coaxing. "I'll start cooking soon." She added as she began to skin the rabbits and work the meat off the bones. This time, she wanted to make a stew. "Do you have a pot I can cook in?"

As she worked on everything with the rabbits, she made sure to save the skins so the fur could be used. They would make good additions to some clothing she could put together later. "Are you picky about your clothing choices?" She inquired as her hands worked in a meticulous manner, as if she'd been doing this for years now.

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