Loyalty At Question

Underground – Cynthia's Office

After getting Demitri settled down in the chair that was positioned in front of Cynthia's desk, Kyra plopped down onto the desk itself. Her crimson gaze finally took the time to scan over the man she'd captured. He was of average height, obviously muscled from how heavy he'd been when she'd had to carry him here. Well, dragged him here.

If it hadn't been for Lydia's help, she probably would have just used her power and made him walk himself here. She hated doing that. The last time she'd forced anyone to actually do anything with her power had been...

She'd rather not let her thoughts go there.

Brown eyes began to flutter open after a few minutes, a grunt passing his lips that formed into a frown upon spotting Kyra. “You!” He snapped and began to stand up, only for her to press the bottom of her foot to his chest. With a rough shove, she had him back in the seat. Letting out a frustrated grunt, he glared toward the petite woman. “You cannot keep me here, girl!”

“I can do what I want since I captured you,” She retorted and pointed a finger at him with a smirk. “You'll be answering my questions or I'll get mean.” Dropping her leg and hand, she gripped onto the edge of the desk and leaned toward him. “Why were you chasing her?”

“Who?” He inquired with a raised blond eyebrow.

“Don't bullshit me.” She snapped in return. “The girl ya were chasin'.”

“It's my job. I hunt you freaks.”

“We're not freaks! We're just lucky enough not to die like most people.” She hopped off the desk and slapped both hands onto the armrests of the chair. “That's not an answer, buddy. Why were you after her? Trying to tranquilize her?!”

“I do what I am hired to do. That is all.” He replied in a calm tone, expression serious.

Irritation bit at Kyra, but she refused to cave into the temptation she felt. All she wanted to do was twist this bastard's bones in ways he'd never felt before. Instead of doing that, though, she plastered a forced smile onto her face. “Who hired you?” She questioned.

“I don't know.” He answered plainly, honestly.

“How would you have delivered her if you didn't know?” She persisted.

“I was told there would be a meeting place once I informed them I had captured her.” This man obviously felt no loyalty to his employers. That was good. It meant she could use it to her advantage, make him less willing to betray the underground. Maybe he wouldn't have to lose all his memory...just enough to be useful.

“You're not going back to hunting us.” She told him and went to the wall.

By morning, all Demitri would know was that he was loyal to the Underground now. Besides, Kyra could use a boy toy...

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