The Trouble Maker (JP)

Cynthia looked down towards the watch on her wrist, the glass was cracked but the gears worked fine. "It's getting late. We should all get some sleep." She said, looking up towards Khunara. She lowered her voice to a whisper and smiled through a twinge of pain in her head, "we have basic medications in the medical wing. If you're able to find any aspirin, could you have a nurse send it to my room? They'll know where to go." She asked quietly before returning her attention to Cyrus. "From what I can tell, your experiences in life have taught you humility and respect. However, I can't ignore your past. I think it's best that if you choose to stay here, you are to be supervised until my sister returns and gets a better read on you. We have a spare room next to mine that several of the guards share, you're welcome to find a bed in there for tonight if you'd like. I can lead the way." She stated, ignoring the painful jab of an oncoming migraine.

Johnathan knocked on the wall made of stone and dirt, his fist tapped out a rhythmic code to let the guards on the other side know it was time to open up. The wall rescinded into the surrounding earth, revealing the entrance to what many mutants now called home. He quietly asked the guards to follow Cynthia and Cyrus, ensuring Cynthia's safety. "I can walk you back down to the medical wing, to whatever rooms we still have open, or to the room upstairs you slept in last night" Johnathan offered to Khunara, stifling a yawn. It was indeed getting late. He thought of returning to his own bed upstairs and falling asleep to the sound of crickets and wind, but he knew that with a stranger in their society that hadn't been cleared by Lydia, it was likely he wouldn't get much sleep at all.

Cyrus accepted the offer with gusto. Watching the earth move away like the Red Sea was something to behold. And he though his abilities were cool. Rest was much needed... after this cigarette though.

"You may supervise anything you like. My name is Cyrus by the way. I never caught yours?"

Khunara felt heat rise up her neck to her cheeks and she offered him that gentle and sweet smile of hers. "Your company is always welcome, Johnathan." She replied as she walked next to him. "I should probably rest with the patients in case of an emergency, but that bed from before was very comfortable." It was the best she could do at anything flirtatious since she's grown up in a family of conservative individuals. They had focused more on success and money, getting a good job to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

She wanted to be more than that, though. She wanted to help people and be an actual woman. Not a robot.

"I'd like to sleep upstairs this night," She decided as she left the room with Johnathan.

Cynthia's brow raised slightly as she processed what Cyrus said. She loosed a half hearted breathy laugh. "I won't be in charge of your supervision overnight, one of the guards will." She walked into the hallway that opened up into the society. "Is there anything you'll need tonight? Toothbrush, clothing, hygiene products?" She asked, listing a few basic necessities that most new recruits lacked upon arrival.

Johnathan lead the way walking towards the medical wing, but never was more than a step ahead. "Let's do a round, check in on everyone, and then head up to the house." He said, his tone softer than usual. He internally smiled at her enjoying his company.

Cyrus grinned slightly then shook his head. "Nah ma'am. I have all that in my saddlebags on my bike outside.

"That sounds like a wonderful plan," Khunara chimed as she left with Johnathan, only glancing back toward Cynthia and Cyrus with slight concern. She knew the woman was more than capable of taking care of herself, but it was always smart to stay alert around strangers. Plus, the mention of him returning to the outdoors seemed a little dangerous. They needed to know if they could trust him or not. Did he have anything to do with that letter?

She just hoped Cynthia could take care of it all.

Cynthia blew a huff of air at several strands of messy hair dancing in front of her face. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail and motioned for the other door to open, the one that led back upstairs and outside. "My name is Cynthia by the way." She said, walking up the first fee steps. "Let's get your belongings quickly and return please." She kept her voice kind, but her posture demanded attention.

Johnathan caught Khunara stealing a quick glance back to Cynthia and Cyrus. "She's never alone." He started, still staring ahead as they walked. "There's always guards, loyal followers, even animals watching out for her. If anything happens, she will be okay." They were getting close to the medical wing. Nurses were switching shifts, patients roamed the hall before going to bed. Johnathan almost smiled at the peace that they society created.

Cyrus shrugged his shoulders and gestured sardonically. "I have no idea where I am, where's my bike at anyway?"

While Khunara and Johnathan took care of the rounds, Cyrus and Cynthia would run right into a short woman dragging a very unconscious man in military garb. His blond locks fell over his closed eyes as he was dragged along. "Heya, Cynth!" She chimed with a grin as her white-red dread locks bounced around her. "Know who's bag this is? Oh, and Lydia is back! She's upstairs, probably showerin' or something. You know, getting all cleaned up and ready for a report or whatever."

Shrugging, the woman grinned at them. "Who's mustache here?" With the hand holding the bag, she gestured to Cyrus. It swung in her hand, probably all too familiar to the man.

Cyrus' eyes widened slightly but noticeably. He quickly reached out for the leather satchel, "That's mine, thank you!" He said, hiding his irritation behind a thin veneer of gratitude.

Noticing his reaction, Kyra dropped her unconscious captive and hopped just out of reach, holding the bag up in the air tauntingly. "Oh, is it? Was all abandoned up top? Right on a fancy pants lookin' biiiiiike." That grin was on her face again, revealing her little sharp teeth. "Maybe if ya ask nicely I'll hand it back to ya, bud."

Cyrus raised an eyebrow, then opened his outstretched hand. The bag flew from Kyra's grasp and directly into his palm.

"Or... I could just take it." He jeered teasingly.

Kyra rolled her eyes. "Whatever, mustache." She shrugged and reached down, grabbing her captive by the arm again. "I have a moronic Russian boy to interrogate. Enjoy your bag." She added a little finger wave at Cyrus before she started to walk by, dragging the poor man along again.

Cyrus shook his head before noticing the blonde boy was very familiar. He could swear he'd seen that man before.

"Wait! I know that guy! What was his name again..." Cyrus racked his brain trying to remember. "Dimitri!" Cyrus hollered.

Stopping in her tracks, Kyra dropped Demitri's arms to the floor again. "And what do you know about him?" She asked, hoping Cynthia would have something to say. "Also, I'll need you later, Cynth. I wanna wipe this asshole's brain a good bit once I've got what we need out of him. Some mutant hunter he was...."

Cyrus gulped a little, he probably shouldn't have given that away. "I know he's not stupid, or incompetent. So if you've managed to capture him, he probably wanted you to. Did you check him for tracking devices? RFID? LoJack?"

"Yeah, checked all over him once I knocked him out. Ain't got nothing on him as far as I could tell." Kyra admitted with a shrug. "Though, if he tries anything..." She stepped to the side and swiped up a finger.

Demitri's body was suddenly rising to its feet, despite him being unconscious.

"I can do that." She said with a smile that never reached her eyes.

Cynthia crossed her arms and gave Kyra a scolding glance. "If Lydia left the interrogation up to you, then I'll respect that, but please refrain from using your abilities in a threatening matter in front of people. You know the rules Kyra. Een if you aren't residing here, while you are here, you still have to abide by the rules." She paused for a second to really look the girl over - it'd been a while since their paths last crossed. She offered a gentle smile. "It's always good to see you. Tell the guards to raise the walls, you can use my office space... what exactly did he do?"

Lydia washed the dirt from her skin and worked her fingers through her hair. She told fast, cold showers, so it'd only been a few minutes since Kyra disappeared into the stairwell with her new toy. Lydia pulled on some well fitting tactical pants and a long sleeve shirt that clung tightly to her frame. She then pulled over a weather resistant jacket that would act as her armor, just in case. The bike outside was a new vehicle, which meant there was a stranger. She worked her hair into a braid that she then tucked into the back of her jacket.

"He was trying to use this to capture Lydia with." Kyra tapped the rifle that was hanging from her shoulder as she made poor Demitri drop back to the ground face first. Black blood was oozing from the young woman's nose and she quickly wiped it away. "And I'm not threatening the newbie, I promise! I just know that I'll need you later to wipe pretty boy's mind clean for me."

Ever since her power had manifested itself six years ago, Kyra's blood had become an odd tar black color. It was odd to her and everyone else, that was for sure, but she paid it little mind. "Lydia mentioned you have a doctor around. Think I might stick around to get a full check up at some point." Shrugging, she reached down and grabbed Demitri. "Thanks for letting me use your office! Nice meeting ya, mustache!"

Pulling Demitri into the room, she had the guards close the door for her.

There was never any controlling that wild woman.

Cyrus had no idea how to react to the events that just unfolded in the last few minutes. He decided the best course of action was to accept and move on.

"Well I have my stuff now, Miss." He said to Cynthia. "Where will I be sleeping?"

Lydia, after meeting Cyrus and confirming that they'd finish evaluation the following day, called her soldiers that had set up camp on the out skirts of town. She went to the military dorms and cleaned up the rooms, even doing some laundry for the mutants that were on the mission she should've been there for.

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