Dream Walking A Cool Guy (JP)

Cynthia was silent for a moment, thinking about how it was true no one had really studied what affects a dream walkers abilities may have on someone. "I think that's a really good idea." She said, walking to the other side of the desk and pulling out a notebook and pencil. "Do you mind noting his vitals? Write down if anything changes." She placed the paper and pencil on the surface of her desk and approached Cyrus. "You met our friend Perrine." she said with a smile. "Please find the most comfortable position to sit in, I don't have a lot of experience putting someone to sleep - as that ability is almost completely unique to telepaths, but I'm able to do it if I concentrate. It's easier when the other person is completely relaxed." Her tone was soft, silky almost. Any time she cleared her mind and focused on peace, her voice returned to how it would sound in her youth. She missed that version of herself.

Johnathan quietly breathed a sigh of relief. He looked towards Khunara, only stealing a quick glance. Her attentiveness brought out the natural beauty. He returned his attention to the situation in front of him, refusing to stare too long.

Cyrus was already completely hypnotized by this woman. She could ask him to jump off a roof and he would. Sure, he could fly, but he would intentionally slam into the pavement just to prove his devotion. "Your wish is my command," Cyrus joked. He took a deep breath and slowly drifted off.

Khunara nodded and grabbed up the notebook and pencil, adding them to her clipboard she brought in her medical bag. She would do the work of checking Cyrus' vitals while Cynthia worked, taking notes as they continued along.

Cynthia gently placed her hands on Cyrus's temples and closed her eyes, focusing her mind on traversing the bridge between them before delving into the labyrinth of his psyche. She almost immediately found herself submerged in his subconscious. Instead of encountering a dreamscape, she was greeted by vivid flashbacks of his past. She saw him as a soldier, clad in uniform, speaking of mutants as though he were not one himself—perhaps unaware of his telekinetic nature.

Throughout his mind, pockets of humor and sorrow, beauty and darkness intertwined, creating a complex tapestry of emotions. She felt the entangled feelings that had woven themselves into his subconscious, the fragments of his identity he had yet to fully embrace. Yet, despite the complexity, there was a striking lack of chaos compared to the minds of other telepaths she had encountered. He had learned to harness his ability, to reconcile with it.

Johnathan observed intently, his gaze switching every so often between Cynthia and Khunara. His eyes lingered on Khunara, scrutinizing every detail for more than a minute before flicking back to Cynthia, ensuring everything was proceeding smoothly.

Cyrus' mind buzzed in a thousand directions. His subconscious shifted between the western movies he watched as a kid to the real fire fights he endured in the military. A cacophony of joy, morose, and melancholy thundered through his mind. Flashes of his military service could be seen, with more recent events bubbling closer the service. There's a man, a boss? Leader? A brother. Someone Cyrus looked up to and admired. Someone Cyrus was forced to betray.

I'm not a traitor Cyrus thought aloud. I did it... for you...

Abstractions projected from his psyche. A scene developed. Rage, hatred even. Cyrus killed people? Lots of people. Cyrus was told to kill people. Who? You. All of us. People like him, and the girl with the bow in her hair. Why was he told to hunt children? Why did Nick make him do that? Why did you make me do that? I loved you...

Eventually the emotions began to overwhelm Cyrus, his blood pressure started to spike. He began to stir awake.

Khunara was very aware of the heightened blood pressure, labored breathing and the rapid eye movement beneath Cyrus' eyelids. Whatever was happening in the mind of a person when a Dream Walker stepped in caused a lot of brain activity. She was no brain surgeon, but this much told her a good amount, at least.

Writing things down quickly, she turned her gaze to Johnathan, concern in her own brown eyes. "We should stop soon." She suggested as she stepped back took notice of how Cyrus was waking up. "He's waking up."

Cynthia felt a familiar surge of electricity course through the bridge between them, sending jolts of energy firing through her own mind. Her eyelids fluttered, her eyes rolling back before she abruptly snapped her hands away from Cyrus. As she regained full consciousness, she took a few unsteady steps backward, blinking rapidly to clear her vision. Drawing in a deep breath, she turned to face Johnathan and Khunara.

"Well," she exhaled slowly, the breath escaping like a sigh. "That never feels good." She pressed her fingers to her temples, attempting to quell the headache that had swiftly taken hold. "We'll need to talk in private," she added, her voice low and serious, the weight of Cyrus's flashback—of murdering mutants, even children—still heavy on her mind.

Johnathan looked back at Cyrus, wondering what exactly Cynthia had seen that would've waken Cyrus up and startled Cynthia.

Cyrus snapped to as well, he knew what Cynthia had seen, or at least what she thought she had seen. "I didn't kill the girl." He said, his voice breaking a little. "I said no. They didn't take that very well." Cyrus retrieved a pack of cigarettes from his jacket, and a very old Ronson lighter. He definitely needed a smoke now.

Khunara stopped with her note taking and gazed at Cyrus when he spoke. A frown formed on her face the moment he retrieved the cigarettes and lighter, though. She wanted to tell him to stop, but having one's privacy exposed to another was never nice or easy to handle. She knew this simply because of what she was and because she had done this to others.

She hated invading the privacy of others and knew that whatever Cynthia had seen must have been...much.

Instead of speaking her mind, she glanced at Johnathan once more before handing the notes over to Cynthia. "There is a lot of activity going on when a Dream Walker steps into the mind of another." She stated simply. "I should go check on my patients."

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