Drag The Soldier

(Joint Post Between Morphy and BiscuitDeity)

Kyra stretched and popped her back before looking over the bullet. “Why don't we head over to see how that guy is then?” She asked with a shrug and returned her attention to Demitri. “I can drag blondie here along with us and we can just lock him up. Maybe have your sister wipe his brain clean and make him work for you guys?”

A mischievous grin formed onto her heart shaped face as she crouched down and poked his face. “Pretty cute for a soldier...”

Lydia rolled her eyes, though her smile remained undiminished. "He's not exactly my type—I prefer them slender and charming." A fleeting image of Finlay crossed her mind, but she quickly dismissed it with an inward laugh at herself. "I trust the others to carry on the mission without me. They're intelligent, coordinated, and driven by spite." She chuckled, grasping one of Demitri's limp arms. "Grab the other; we'll both head back to base."

"Mhm, I'm sure ya do," Kyra teased as she grasped onto Demitri's other arm and began to drag him along with the help of Lydia. "So, what have I missed? I've been so busy lately with other work that Cynthia puts me to. It was a surprise to get your text earlier." She glanced back at the soldier, making sure he kept his eyes closed. If he woke up, she'd be sure to deal with him. There was no sense in scrambling his brains if they could get information out of him.

Lydia's grin widened, eager to finally share her plan. "I got Cynthia's approval for a covert mission," she began, her voice dropping to a near whisper. "I have a team of trained mutants heading to the capital. Once there, they'll overthrow the state officials, ideally without causing serious harm. The plan is to broadcast their success by showing the governor and senator bound on national television. We will demand freedom or basic rights for all mutants in exchange for the officials' release."

She leaned closer to Kyra, her voice now a full whisper. "We'll threaten to execute the governor and senator if our demands aren't met, but in reality, they'll only be held captive until we get what we want." Straightening up, she continued, "On another note, we have a new doctor. Her name is... Khunara, I think? Anyway, Cynthia's been a bit on edge because Johnathan seems to have a crush on the new girl."

As they continued moving, Kyra listened to Lydia's words and contemplated her own response to everything. The idea of taking captives was smart, but to bluff about the executions seemed a little much. What if they caught onto the fact it was a bluff? The crimson eyed woman wasn't so sure that would work. Plans never did always go according to plan, after all.

"What's wrong with Johnny having a crush on the new girl?" She finally asked, deciding to avoid expressing her opinions on this plan. It wasn't her place to interfere when she wasn't part of it. "Ain't he allowed to be interested in whoever he wants? No offense, but Cynthia has been leading the poor man around like a dog on a leash for too long now, don't ya think?"

She wasn't trying to sound judgmental. Kyra understood that relationships were very complex, but she also knew that people got tired of being played with.

Lydia nodded and let out a breathy chuckle, a sound that conveyed her ambivalence towards Cynthia and Johnathan's situation. "Cynthia doesn’t believe she led him on. She's in denial about ever having feelings for him," she sighed, her voice tinged with fatigue and resignation. "She doesn't want anything serious—she's terrified of real relationships. So, she developed a sort of codependency on John, and honestly, it was painful to watch. Johnathan deserves better. Not that Cynthia is a bad person—she has the biggest heart I've ever seen. But she and John just don't mix."

As Lydia spoke, she began to recognize familiar trees and markings on the ground, indicating that the house was about a 45-minute walk away.

Kyra didn't say much else. She knew complexities like this between people were not going to be easy to endure. Cynthia, Johnathan and this woman named Khunara were adults and they could figure it out on their own.

She merely smiled as they spent the next 45 minutes getting to the house. Thankfully, the entire time, Demitri stayed passed out.

For now.

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