Great Power, Great Responsibility (Flashback)

Cyrus was deep asleep. He had virtually no awareness of the outside world in this meta induced slumber. His eyes darted back and forth as he began to dream. His mind took him back....

4 Weeks Ago:

"Company! Attention!" First Sergeant Osborne called out to the platoon. Cyrus snapped his feet together, a perfect regulation 45 degree angle between his feet. His posture was straight and confident, and his team followed suit. As the 1st Sgt saluted their commanding officer, everyone else followed suit. Nicholas Gilbert returned the salute, then direct his men to take their seats for the briefing.

"Good morning gentlemen!" He announced as the high tech monitors blinked to life behind him.

"Good morning Sir!" The platoon shouted back. Everyone was eager for their new assignments.

"As you all know, our division boasts the highest numbers across all field squadrons. To date, we've captured 431 fugitive mutants, and eliminated 116 hostile combatant mutants. Hooah!" The commander cheered to his men.

"Hooah!" The room chanted back.

"I'd like to take a minute to personally congratulate our most effective operative. Staff Sergeant Riddell, stand to attention." Commander Gilbert ordered with a hint of glee.

Cyrus practically lept from his chair, but quickly regained his composure.

"Fall in soldier, front and center." 1st Sgt. Osborne directed.

Cyrus diligently stepped away from his desk and marched to the front room. He saluted his commander, and his commander saluted back, beaming with pride.

"Staff Sergeant Riddell, you have distinguished yourself amongst your brothers in courage, valor and ability. While you did not ask for your God given abilities, you have embraced their responsibility without hesitation or falter. You've become a great leader, and I am proud to call you my brother. As Chief Operations Officer of the Enhanced Abilities Suppression and Termination division, I hereby promote you to 2nd Lieutenant and commission you as an officer of the United States Armed Forces. I will now cut off your shoulder stripes, and replace them with gold bars upon your shoulders."

Commander Gilbert then quickly cut the chevron patches off of Cyrus' uniform, then pinned the gold bar insignias of a 2nd Lieutenant on his lapel. Afterward he stepped back, then the 1st Sgt addressed the other enlisted men. "Company! Attention!"

The entire room thundered as the men sprang from their seats in unison. The 1st Sgt then gave the order to salute their new commissioned officer. "Present... ARMS!"

500 men snapped their bladed hands to their temples. A gesture of profound respect. This was the happiest moment of Cyrus' life. It would prove to be the last happy moment for a long, long time.

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