Take Me To Your Leader

Mayberry Homestead - Wyoming
Joint Post

Ben shuffled a few steps back as the lights unexpectedly shut off. “Shit.” He exclaimed in surprise. Both Cyrus and his eyes were quickly fighting to adjust to the change in lighting. In his brief panic, until he realized everything was fine, he reflexively protected himself by telepathically trying to put Cyrus to sleep. He didn’t go all the way though, because he realized quick enough he wasn’t being attacked. Instead of collapsing in slumber, Cyrus would at most feel like he pulled a few all-nighters; maybe less if his resistant barrier was still up and running. Ben immediately dawned an apologetic look as his eyes met with Cyrus’s again. “S sss so sorry man. That was an accident.” He was about to wet himself, thinking this telekinetic was going to crush him into the shape of a small box.

Meanwhile, Tessa also cursed under her breath. Her eyes didn’t have to adjust like their so she had the slight advantage, but hesitated too much to capitalized on it if she wanted to. She had slipped up with her words, hence why she wasn’t cut out for this kind of thing. She should be tucking her kids in and reading them bed time stories, not dealing with a potential high security threat late at night. Alas, everyone had to learn new tricks during these trying times.

“Well Cyrus, if you would like us to trust taking you to see Mr. Mayberry, then you will need to trust us. Let Ben put you to sleep and we will take you to our meeting room. We promise no harm will come to you and we will wake you the moment we arrive.” It was a gifted version of putting a bag over your head. Cyrus have figured out the community was there, but he didn’t know where or how to access it. And she wasn’t about to slip up on those details.

Cyrus felt his knees starting to buckle. His mind became a harsh fog, like he was fighting the most intense sleep ever. He heard Tessa's words, and there wasn't a trace of artifice. He thought to himself, a nap would actually be nice right about now. With everything he had left, Cyrus called out:

"I'd say you have a deal. But I better have my pants on when I wake up." Then, like a sack of bricks, Cyrus teetered backwards and collapsed. He was asleep before he hit the ground.

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