Slight Detour in the Plan

Owl’s Creek - Wyoming
Joint Post

Perrine gratefully accepted the meat she offered and savored it. The look on his face as he ate was enough affirmation to make any chef proud of their efforts. He took his time responding again. This time because he didn’t want to open his mouth until it had enough time to let his taste buds throw a party.

When he did reply his expression turned to worry. “Uncleeer.” He looked off in the direction of Cynthia’s mutant haven. He knew they could look after themselves, but a telekinetic was inherently dangerous. Though he had felt the man to be sincere, did he get it wrong? What had him equally as anxious was the trouble the man said was coming. Johnathan and Cynthia were friends. The people of the community were simply trying to survive and create a meaningful and fulfilling life in these chaotic times.

“Hee zaid he warn dem of bad thingks komin.” Perrine shared. Luna sensed his unease and pestered him for answers. Perrine responded in sounds which were most peculiar to Sophia. He was speaking to each animal present at the same time in their own language. It was a nifty trick he learned over time, which allowed him not have to repeat things over and over again each time he talked to a different species present.

Honey let out a concerned whine at Perrine's news and cuddled slightly closer to Sophia. The young woman offered some of the hare meat to the wolf-dog as she took in each word and listened carefully. If this Cyrus fellow was going to be giving the Haven warnings, perhaps he wasn't so bad after all. Not all men were bad, after all.

Perrine was proof of such a thing.

“We'll find out in due time, I suppose.” She replied after a few more bites to finish her portion of food. Handing off the rest to him, she used a small amount of water to rinse her hands and dried them on one of the many animal skins she wore.

Getting to her feet, she grabbed the bow she used. “I will take first watch tonight.”

Perrine continued to finish off his portion. “Ve do hav tyme to go bakk an stil mace my nxt joob.” Perrine had left earlier than expected from the haven, so he had a buffer in his schedule. He through it out there to see if she would be interested in the prospect of doing that or simply carrying on. “Vhat think?” He was curious in hearing her thoughts on the matter.

Sophia froze up for a long moment, eyes narrowing at the question asked upon her. Grip tightening on her bow, she bit at her bottom lip and glanced at Honey. “I...I'll go back with you, but...” She started and cleared her throat, using one hand to stroke Honey's fur. “I can't go inside there again. Underground's suffocating.”

Perrine could feel her emotion like it was his own. “Purrhaps, I go ith Luna? And yu stai herre … gard supplies… untile we getz bak?” He proposed another option. It would be quicker without the wagon anyways.

Sophia looked at Perrine and nodded slowly. "That works too..."

Perrine felt that would probably be the most efficient use of time and resources. “I levee first light. Be gone for twooo daiys tops.” Just enough time for him to take Luna and double check how things are going. It was mainly just to make sure the trouble wasn’t actually the telekinetic. “Ten on to nexts joob.”

Sophia merely nodded again as she adjusted her bow in her hands and gazed out at the world around them both and their companions. "You get the rest you need." She told him before stepping away and finding a place to keep watch, Honey soon joining her.

Perrine nodded and took his sleeping position under the wagon, lifted off the ground by the hammock so you could not see him. He had a direct line of sight to the empty tent. Luna took a comfortable position nearby. Peekaboo was sleeping on top of the stored baseball bat. Whisp was up in the trees keep watching over them all, including their new guests.

< Prev : Concern Around the Campfire Next > : Those Aren’t My Feet