Those Aren’t My Feet

Underground Mutant Community - Beneath Mayberry Homestead

As Finlay lay in the quiet confines of his medical room, the weight of his newfound abilities bore heavily upon his mind. Raised in a Christian household, he had always been taught to see the world through the lens of faith, where God's plan and purpose guided all. Yet now, grappling with being a mutant shapeshifter seemed to challenge those beliefs in ways he hadn't anticipated.

He pondered the passages he had learned growing up, the teachings of love, grace, and the sanctity of human life. How did his ability fit into this framework? Was it a gift or a curse? The more he thought about it, the more questions surfaced. Could he still be a faithful Christian while possessing abilities that defied the natural order?

Closing his eyes, Finlay whispered a silent prayer, seeking guidance and clarity. He recalled verses about God's sovereignty and how every individual was uniquely created. Perhaps, he reasoned, his abilities were part of a larger plan, a test of his faith and a call to use his gifts for good. Yet doubts lingered, uncertainties about how his community, his family, would accept him now.

Lost in thought, he was startled when a nurse entered the room, breaking the silence. She checked his vitals, ensuring everything was stable. Finlay nodded absentmindedly, then glanced down at his feet, only to realize they were not his own. Panic briefly gripped him before he managed to explain, "Those aren't my feet."

The nurse, accustomed to the quirks of mutant physiology, chuckled and smiled reassuringly. "It's okay, Finlay. Your body's adjusting. Get some rest, and we'll check on you in the morning. In the meantime, I will keep an eye out for your feet."

With a nod, Finlay settled back into his bed, the nurse's words echoing in his mind. As he drifted off to sleep, uncertainty still lingered, but a glimmer of hope emerged. Perhaps his faith and his abilities could coexist, shaping him into someone who could bring light to a world in need of understanding and acceptance.

< Prev : Slight Detour in the Plan Next > : Someone on the inside