Concern Around the Campfire

Owl’s Creek - Wyoming
Joint Post

After reclaiming his crowbar, Perrine, Peekaboo, and Gabriel’s murder of crows escort made their trek carefully back through the forest. It was dark now and required more careful footing and communication with the animals to ensure he found his way back to the campsite in the stretches that had less bioluminescence. As he neared Luna, and certainly Honey too, knew he was on his way back before he was able to be seen. When Perrine saw their campfire it was a welcome sight and he was thankful to be returning without any incident.

He called ahead with a series of horse noises and wolf sounds, just so everyone would be at ease. When he came upon the scene, he emerged casually so that he didn’t startle Sophia. “Bac. All gwood.” He sounded tired, it had been a long day.

Sophia looked up from where she was sitting by the fire, cooking some hares she'd caught along their trek to this place. She was a hunter and had gotten help from Honey to catch the hares, but skinning, prepping and cooking was all her. She knew it might not be Perrine's idea of a real meal, but she wasn't about to pass up a real meal with protein in it.

“Good,” She said in her soft voice as she took a small bite of meat that she had been cooking. It was done and a bit plain, but better than nothing. “Who was it?”

Perrine’s mouth was salivating as the sweet succulent smell of cooked meat met his nose. Traveling with vegetarians meant it was few and far between that he got protein that wasn’t plant based or from bugs and fish. Though Whisp would share some of his catches with him, bite size snacks.

He made his way to the campfire and took a seat on the ground admiring her handy work with the roasting hares over the fire. He pointed at the food and gave her two thumbs up in praise. He then rubbed his throat gently, he had done a lot of talking this evening …. more than usual. Speaking in the human tongue was taxing.

After a moment to recover, he swallowed and replied. “Mann naymed Ciirus Widdell. Teleecinetik. He luking for giftd haven.”

Sophia gave Perrine time to relax his throat, very aware of how speaking like a person was rather difficult for him. Speaking was even difficult for her at times, only it wasn't such a strain on her vocal chords. She'd been accustomed to forcing herself to speak for what she needed, but he was more built for animals.

It was part of his power, after all.

Looking at her hands for a moment, she pulled the meat away from the fire and let him have some of it. All she had was control over wind – nothing more, nothing less. That was her look on it, at least.

“Are you sure it's safe for him to be going there?” She asked.

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