A Strange Visitor

It had been a couple hours since Cyrus left his new friend in the woods. As he rumbled down the highway he wondered if he really just got that lucky or if he was walking into some kind of trap. He shook his head, banishing the negative thoughts as they entered his mind. Cyrus was on a mission. A noble mission. He would see it through, no matter what. The only question was, what comes next? He finds these people, warns them, then just... leaves? Where would he go?

I'll cross that bridge when I burn it. He thought to himself, grinning slightly at the comedic mash-up of different idioms.

The Highway was full of debris, but nothing couldn't push out of the way with a forcefield around his bike. He did need to conserve energy though. What had it been? Two, maybe three days since he had an actual meal. It was top dangerous to hunt around here, no way of knowing which creatures are safe to eat. The mushroom water was enough to quell the dehydration, but he would soon be needing more.

After getting lost at least twice, Cyrus eventually found his way to a quaint little house, way out in the middle of nowhere. He almost didn't see it as he drove down the road. A glint of ambient light caught his eye, precipitating the detour. Cyrus brought his bike to a stop and killed the engine; the sound was again replaced by nature's cacophony.

After leaving his motorcycle at the end of the drive, he inspected the house from a comfortable distance. If this was the place he was looking for, there were sure to be others like him. He wasn't looking for a fight, and most people out here weren't looking for visitors.

The house was obviously lived in. It had been well taken care of, and the lawn looked recently manicured. An oddity for the apocalypse. Cyrus didn't see any movement, but he wasn't sure he should get a bird's eye view just in case someone was watching. He made that mistake earlier.

"Hello?" he called out into the void of darkness around the house. "Anybody here? I come in peace. Just looking for some food and water. Got stuff to trade!" He yelled again. Silence. Cyrus stepped closer to the house, maybe they just didn't hear him. Yeah... right.

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