Parting ways

Lydia turned several corners, making sure Finlay was close behind constantly. "I lost my mother to the earthquakes, and my father nearly drank himself to death. My sister and I found out about our abilities and shared them with each other, then she thought it was best that we leave out father. She took all of the money our family had left, including what our mother left behind in her will, and we moved out here.'s just me and her, and her friend Johnathan." She said, being careful not to spill any information of their secret society. "I come out to the city for resources and to see if any other mutants need help. I have some... friends... that are able to provide for mutants that are being hunted, got kicked out, are on the run, or whatever else might make them feel unsafe. So, call me if you're ever in a bind." She said, turning around to flash him a soft smile. "Only a little further up, and then you can surface. I'll be meeting a friend a little further down, so we'll part up here." Lydia motioned to a wall with rungs leading up into a tunnel emitting a little bit of light. Another storm drain, but easier to climb in and out of.... at least for her.

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