Conversations in the Underbelly

Sewer - Sheridan, Wyoming

Finlay insisted they pause long enough for him to quickly put his pants and shoes back on properly. Then he willingly followed the torcher bearer through the smelly and damp underbelly of the city.

Upon hearing of her mutant ability he contemplated the extraordinary scope of potential she must have based on her definition. Everything about a person, thinking, feeling and choosing took place in the brain. It sounded surreal, unbelievable even; however, he had a large dose of unbelievable already to believe it at face value.

“That is very cool.” He commented, genuinely awestruck.

Finlay was able to keep up thanks to her considerate pacing. In addition, it was nice to have his longer stride back. He never considered shape shifting into another person and definitely hadn’t considered how different being another person was when it came to simple functional things one takes for granted.

“No. My family doesn’t know yet.” He sounded ashamed he hadn’t shared something so important and personal with his closest loved ones. “And yes. I know the city well. I think it best I find my dad.” No one, that he knew of, actually saw him change. So they probably just thought he was missing. “My dad must be freaking out on where I am right now.” He wished he hadn’t left his phone in the truck.

“What about you?” He inquired.

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