I Will Go Check

Owl’s Creek - Wyoming

Perrine clapped his hands in celebratory approval at Sophia’s collection of materials for the fire. He had finished getting things situated and was presently working on preparing a fire pit. The cooking supplies and canned food were down on the ground nearby.

Perrine crouched by the pile of firewood Sophia had collected, carefully selecting the driest pieces to start the fire. Her selection indicated to him that she was adept at the task. He arranged a small bundle of dried tree mushrooms at the center, knowing their fibrous texture would catch a spark easily. With practiced hands, he struck his flint against a piece of steel, sending a shower of sparks onto the mushrooms. He blew gently, coaxing the tiny embers to grow. The mushrooms began to smolder, and soon, small flames licked up from the kindling. He added thin twigs and gradually larger branches, building the fire steadily until it crackled warmly, casting a comforting glow.

While setting the fire, he nodded yes to her question. He then barked at Honey, ~the crows confirm it is a man.~

As Sophia begins to help finish arranging everything for the fire, including the cooking items, Perrine slowly backed off to let her do her thing. Once again she seemed to know what she was doing. He shrugged, “Uncleer. Pussable.” If he was bothered by this, he hid it well, because he seemed relaxed.

Perrine snorted and tipped back at Honey, ~~~if he gets too close, I'll intercept and send him on his way if it isn’t safe.~~~

Perrine then addressed the rest of his animal companions, ~~~Guard the camp and stay vigilant.~~~He nodded to a few of the crows, who cawed in agreement and prepared to accompany him.

Turning to Sophia, he explained his plan in his halting speech, "vhile yoo mak diner and watch wagoon, I go see vhat dis all about.” He showed her the hidden hammock and the compartment under the wagon, revealing the rifle, machete, and bat. "Usee onli iff yew need."

With a reassuring nod, Perrine shouldered his backpack and grabbed his trusty crowbar. The crows took flight, guiding his path as he ventured into the darkening evening, the distant sound of a motorcycle growing louder with each step.

< Prev : Preparation For What Is To Come Next > : Knock out!