Knock out!

Kyra quickly climbed up a fire exit stairwell outside of a building and climbed up onto the roof. Walking over to the edge facing the nearby forest, she crouched on the edge and watched as her old friend, Lydia. One hand pulled out the switchblade she hid in her left jacket pocket and flipped it. The blade slid out and she held it in her hand, watching a soft breeze bend small branches. Leaves ruffled, some popping free and fluttering toward the grassy ground.

That was when she noticed him following her, a pistol raised as he yelled toward Lydia. “Oh, hell nah,” She hissed and instantly jumped forward, twisting in the air. Using the windows, she dropped down between them until she finally hopped off the wall near the bottom, landing on the concrete sidewalk. Rushing forward, she spun the knife in her hand and got past Lydia.

Just as she did so, she shot her hand out, sending the blade ahead of her. While doing so, she swung her other hand out and held with the palm down. Bending her fingers down, she activated her power and called upon the bones deep in the ground – dead animals long forgotten over the years. They wiggled and raised up through dirt and rocks until they pebbled up onto the grassy land all around.

Demitri barely had enough time to dodge the blade – not fast enough against a girl as wild as Kyra, it seemed. The blade of the knife sunk into his right shoulder, making him stumble back. It was bad enough to be ambushed by this unknown girl, but to have bones suddenly shooting from the ground at him made things even worse.

Raising his arms, he grunted and fell back, cursing in Russian.

“Hey, blondie!” Kyra said as she ran over and pounced onto him with a sudden and rough kick to his head.

All the man could do was let out a sudden grunt again as the world went dark.

Reaching down, Kyra pressed her fingers to Demitri's pulse and was happy to see he was alive. Satisfied to hear he's alive, she stood up straight and turned slightly to look at Lydia. “Ya were havin' trouble with this fella?” She asked with a grin. “Got a bit of a baby face, ain't he?” Stepping over him, she crouched down and jerked her knife out. Thankfully, she hadn't hit anything too bad, so all he did was bleed a bit.

Taking part of his shirt, she ripped it and tied up the wound before rolling him over and tying his hands behind his back. Afterwards, she stripped Demitri of his weapons and strapped them on herself with a grin. “So, what ya been up to? It's been a long time, Lydia!” She called.

< Prev : I Will Go Check Next > : Don’t Drink The Water