Preparation For What Is To Come

With Sophia

Sophia frowns at Perrine's consistent warnings, but keeps her opinions of his concerns to herself. She already knows the dangers of this area – what to look for, what to keep away from and how to avoid all the dangers. Her encounters with dangers have and are far more widespread than she expresses to the world and those around her. Even Honey is aware of all that.

Honey, though, keeps quiet about it.

Upon her return and hearing about the Telekinetic individual, she merely sets down the firewood for her companion. “Is it a man?” She asks just before they hear the roaring of the engine. Just like Perrine, she prays this person goes by, but knows the proper implications of how others are. She may not be the most sociable person alive, but she knows how curious strangers can be.

“Do you think they'll attack us?” She asks Perrine as she helps set things up. Her mind is on the familiar fear that comes with a stranger's existence. A male stranger's existence. How can she face this newcomer if they are male? She prays they are a woman, but something deep in her gut is warning her that it is more than that.

Honey snorts, watching carefully. She never trusts men around her companion. Perrine is an exception, but this stranger is someone the wolf-dog will be on guard about. She even lets the man know through more snorts and a simple bark to him that she will do what needs to be done for Sophia's safety.


With Demitri

Demitri takes aim again and curses under his breath the moment Lydia hides behind a tree. This girl was irritating him, driving him up a wall with her constant need to be on the move. “Little...” He growls and curses again the moment she rushes off toward the town again.

Sighing, he almost thinks he should just pull out real ammo and hit her legs, but knows what the boss demands.

No damage.

So, he keeps following her.


With Khunara

Khunara is about to respond when Cynthia rushes up and holds out the letter. Leaning over, she looks at it in Johnathan's hands, her brows pinching together with concern. “What does this mean?” She asks, looking up at Cynthia. “Do we evacuate? Are you sure they really know where we are?”

She thinks of all the patient's in this place, all the work the others must have put into this place to create a safe haven for all the mutants. A part of her thinks of Johnathan and the little emotions she's starting to have for him. Just arriving here she has no real say, though.

“Cynthia, I know you do not wish for panic, but the people here have a right to know what needs to be done.” She says softly, tucking away the cigarette she stole from Johnathan in her pocket absently. “I can work to prepare the patients for evacuation if you choose that. I asked, is whoever this is really aware of where we are? Could it be a bluff?”

< Prev : Meeting up Next > : I Will Go Check