A Smile To Sleep With

Khun is unable to deny how she enjoys the playfulness in Johnathan’s tone. His kindness, despite their initial meeting in the city, is a refreshing breath of air that she believed she would never feel again. Everyone else has been kind, but they all seem so on edge and afraid. It is understandable for them to be afraid, though. The world is a mess…

Upon his return, the medic cannot stop the small laugh that erupts from her. “You really are an amazing individual.” She comments and smiles up at him. “Thank you very much for this. It’s…it’s rare to find people as generous as you are.” Her eyes meet his for a brief moment and she realizes after it’s been too long that she is staring.

Face flushing, she clears her throat and gently takes her things when he offers them to her. “We should all get rest if we can, I suppose. I’m probably going to be busy…a lot.” The people she’s seen so far tell her exactly what she’s going into. It is no issue to her, but she still hopes to find time to mingle, particularly with this man.

Setting down her things, Khun turns to face John once more. “Thank you, again,” She says with a soft and gentle smile. “I hope to be able to spend more time with you when I’m not working…I hope you get the rest you need.”

After they say their goodnights and Johnathan leaves, she lies down in bed and pulls the covers over herself, falling into slumber with a genuine smile on her face for once.

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