Alone in the dark

Cynthia acknowledged with a nod, expressing her understanding. "I'll come find you tomorrow morning, and we can start the process of helping you locate the person you're searching for," she assured before waving and exiting the room. Returning to her own dorm, conveniently located next to the office, she lay down, her thoughts lingering on Lydia and the moments she inadvertently led Johnathan on. Recognizing the need to release him, she winced at the prospect of him finding happiness with someone else. Turning onto her side with a heavy sigh, she whispered to the darkness, "Well, you finally found your toxic trait..."

"I can run upstairs, gather all your belongings, and bring them down to you—it might take about 20 to 30 minutes, though. Try to stay awake," he suggested, concluding with a playful tone before disappearing into the lengthy corridors. True to his word, he returned within half an hour, presenting Khun with all of her belongings.

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