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Character S

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No Slumber Leading To A Walk

As the night goes on, Sophia lies in bed with Honey nestling against her side. One hand rests upon the wolf-dog’s back, stroking the fur in an attempt to keep herself calm. They don’t know it but she heard the words of that woman, the one that looked through her memories. The way she told Cynthia to keep Malik away puts the white haired girl on high alert.

Once Cynthia leaves, she is quick to lock the door, but still glances at it with worry now that she lies in bed. A door never did stop her father, so why would it stop a strong man with bad intentions. She’s seen the things men enjoy doing to women, children and even other men. It breaks her heart to know that there are monsters that look human in this world.

With a heavy sigh, she turns on her side and nuzzles into Honey’s fur, trying to find comfort in the warmth. It is always so difficult to sleep in an actual bed after all she’s been through over the years. Sometimes, she wonders how she ever gets any sleep with how alert she always is.

A snort from the wolf-dog brings her from her thoughts and Sophia sits up slightly. “What is it?” She asks, wondering what the time is. Pretty sure her companion needs a trip outside to take care of business, she slips out of bed and makes her way to the door. Feeling no need to bring along her cloak, she merely pulls on her boots and unlocks the door. Opening it, she allows Honey to step out of the room first and follows.

Using the mental map she’s made, the white haired girl makes her way down hallways and keeps her distance from those that stay awake at night. It takes her a moment, but she eventually finds where the entrance is and starts to knock on the earthen wall, only to stop short. Can they even hear her? Will they even let her out for Honey’s sake?

She is unsure and just stands there for a long moment until a shadow causes her to turn around.

(OOC: Feel free to have anyone be behind her. I figure it's a way to get our characters interacting again. Haha)

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