Uncertain Discomforts

Before she can reply in greeting, Khunara sees it for only a brief moment, not lasting for more than maybe a second, but she has to focus in order not to visibly flinch. A fear that she's done something wrong seeps into her and she fiddles with a lock of hair to distract herself. [i]Am I doing it again?[/I] She silently wonders as her cheeks flush a little.

Johnathan's eagerness to stay with her sends butterflies dancing through her stomach, but the glimpse she catches in Cynthia's eyes turns it all into a cold pit of dread. During her years at the hospital men would show interest, only for her to realize they were merely being polite and friendly. She recalls a time where the girlfriend of one had to be escorted out by security for assaulting her. It is a reminder of how naive and foolish she can be about social norms.

After Perrine and Cynthia leave, Khun offers the taller man a forceful but kind smile. That worry twists in her gut like a sharp knife and she has to focus in order not to show this, which is difficult when exhaustion is settling in. All that lovely adrenaline from being woken up, taking care of a new patient and dream walking is starting to fade and she knows a good rest is going to be required or she may collapse.

"Shall we…get g-going to the cafeteria?" She asks Johnathan in a slightly shaky voice. Everything is starting to hit her now and she is unable to hide the nervousness and anxiety that strikes her. Her eyes are downcast, head bowed in a respective and submissive manner, and she has to grip onto her shirt in order to keep her hands from shaking.

She wants to run and hide, but refuses to cave in, not wishing to seem so childish. As a grown woman, she must face these things.


Sophia finds herself glaring daggers at Malik as the man watches her closely - a little too closely for her liking. As a girl who grew up with an abusive drunkard for a father, she is no fool to men with bad intentions, but she knows this watchfulness may be due to his job. It does little to comfort her, though, as that rebellious side pushes her against authority figures.

"Would you stop staring?!" She finally snaps. This illicits a growl from Honey, but the wolf-dog does nothing more than obediently stay put. Her companion is aware that the white haired young woman has a bit of a temper when it comes to men - especially older men that stare more than they should.

Tessa elbows Malik roughly as he starts to open his mouth in reply, pulling him away from his knee-jerk response. He looks at the woman with silent annoyance and slight confusion, but it is enough to get his eyes off of the white haired beauty.

Frowning, but calming down, Sophia pulls her hand away from the knife on her belt that she's been cautiously keeping a grip on. Reaching over, she pets Honey a bit more in order to calm her nerves. If Malik tries anything, she will not hesitate to defend herself.

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