Split minute decisions

Lydia turned back to see her new lookalike shedding his clothes. She watched the cops approaching and took a split second to observe their surroundings; she recognized the area and knew that between where they were and the next street up, there was a small back alley with several dumpsters, homeless camps, and other objects that would block the path of cars. "This way." She said, grabbing Finlay's hand and bolting again, turning quickly when they came up on the alley way. "I hope you can climb!" Lydia exclaimed as they approached a 10' wire fence. Her fingers tangled and untangled with the wire skillfully as she hoisted her body to the top of the fence and threw her legs over before leaning over to lend a hand, in case Finlay did indeed need help.
Johnathan sped quickly to the city, as fast as he could while still obeying traffic laws. Any extra police intervention would just further jeopardize the rescue attempt. Living several miles from the outskirts would been it'd take him a decent amount of time to even get to the city, let alone find Lydia and whoever was with her.

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