Wardrobe Malfunction

Downtown - Sheridan, Wyoming

“We have to move!” she urged, her own adrenaline-fueled momentum carrying her forward.

Finlay, still stupefied and paralyzed by shock, watched in disbelief as the real Lydia, transformed into an action hero, efficiently handled the much larger, out-of-shape cop with surprising ease.

He hadn’t moved a muscle until Lydia removed the handcuffs and forcibly began leading him away. In his current female form, his oversized shoes and too-lengthy pants hampered his ability to run efficiently, causing him to stumble and fumble along in a state of stunned amazement. The realization that he had not only transformed into another person but had fully realized a female form left him in a state of shock and disbelief as he followed Lydia, trying to make sense of the bewildering turn of events.

To any onlookers it looked like two perfectly identical twins were making a break for it. One looked put together and was taking charge. The other was being led and was struggling. Suddenly Lydia felt a hard tug on her hand as Finlay-Lydia’s pants finally slipped past her hips, tangled up around her ankles, and cause her to fall over backwards. Fin-Lydia looked up at Lydia, only one eye visible because her hair was in the way.

Suddenly the sound of the other cop cars registered to her. Fin-Lydia turned her head to see them. Then she made a quick decision to kick off the oversized shoes and pants. She collected the items under one arm and hand and then reached up for Lydia’s hand with her other hand. They needed to get out of there, or hide, before they were both caught.

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