Commotion in Downtown Sheridan

Lydia, once far enough down the street to feel safe from pursuit, turned her head slightly to get a last glance at Finlay, only to see the cop that had been chasing her, cuffing someone else. She stopped and gave her full attention to the scene unfolding just down the street. "What the-" Those were the only words Lydia was able to form as she squinted her eyes, trying to make sense of a brown haired girl wearing Finlays clothes. Suddenly it clicked in her head, Finlay had shape shifted. She untied the ribbon in her hair and took off towards the cop, ribbon in hand. "Hey, Piggy!" She yelled as she charged at full speed, grabbing the officers attention. The cop exchanged several glances between Finlay and Lydia, not comprehending the situation. "Keep your hands to yourself asshole!" Lydia yelled as she grabbed one of the officers hand in her ribbon, twisting it tight so that he couldn't pull his hand out. She moved quickly to shift her position so that she was standing behind him, holding his arm against his back. Some yelling in the distance grabbed Lydia's attention, she turned her head to see several police cars racing towards them. Grimacing, she stood on her toes so that her lips were close to the officers ears; "Sorry about this. We do what we have to, to survive." She whispered before yanking his arm up, dislocating the shoulder. She then grabbed the key to the handcuffs from the officer as he started yelling in pain, and unlocked the cuffs from Finlay's wrists. Grabbing his hand in hers, she started pulling Finlay behind her as she ran again. "We have to move!"
Cynthia's head rose from Johnathan's chest when she heard an approaching vehicle. The van stopped quickly, throwing up dirt and grass behind it. The four runners came rushing out of the van, one of them immediately walking up to Cynthia.
"Lydia's in trouble. We don't know the details, we just know that an officer called backup for two mutants, and he used Lydia's full name." Cynthia turned to Johnathan, who was already lighting a cigarette and grabbing the keys from one of the runners.
Without saying a word, he got into the van, turned the ignition, and sped off towards the city.
"Tell me everything you know, please." Cynthia said with a sweet tone that was clearly laced with concern.
The runner motioned for the other three to head inside as she spoke; "We saw Lydia get caught by the officer, she used her ability to get free and he's been chasing her since. We started heading back here as soon as possible for backup. When we tapped into their channel, the officer chasing her said he had caught her, then there was some commotion, and one of the officers he had called for back reported two mutants. That was right before we got here."
Cynthia nodded and crossed her arms again, worry polluting her expression. "That's all, go inside." She said, her tone less sweet than before.

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