JP - The Keep - Night

Lek went down into the kitchen, even though he was not very hungry. There was nothing left for him to do for Pinja, nothing to wait for. He hoped Miyuki was okay and felt guilty for hurting her.

"Did Pinja have her baby?" Lek's mother asked, fussing over him and giving him a plate of sticky buns with milk.

Lek nodded.

"Was it a girl or a boy?" Aislyn asked.

"She had twins." Lek realized that he had not bothered to learn anything about the babies after learning that Pinja would be alright. Though she was not alright, she had stopped being alright before he had even met her. Not for the first time Lek wished he had met Pinja before Jack had hurt her. Maybe then he might have had a chance.


Alex rubbed his eyes as he stepped away from his desk. He had managed to convince the guards to give him a small sample of the bricks of the cursed tavern on the off chance the magic was in the materials. However The only results of his studies were just headaches and hunger. Letting out a sigh he stood up and headed towards the kitchen.

“Hello Alex.” Aislyn greeted, rescuing a sticky bun from Liadan and giving it to the mage.

Lek barely looked up at Alex before looking back down at his sticky bun.

"Thanks" Alex yawned as he found himself a place to sit down to eat.

Lek picked at his sticky bun. He might have been feeling sorry for himself.

Liadan resumed arguing with Aislyn about why she should get an entire tray of sticky buns - the surefire cure to any headache.

Ila quietly got to work cleaning pans.

Alex finished his food and got up to leave. Deciding to take a walk around to clear his mind.


Nodding, Miyuki slowly started to pull jars and little pouches from her bag. “I…I have these to take. I made them because I’m familiar with pregnancies…I once helped my mother give birth to my little brother…” She explained, but did not add that they were all dead now. “I don’t know what those men used, but it stopped my fox fire…I couldn’t even move and they…took turns.”

She looked as if she wanted to vomit, but held it back. “I will thank Lek again. He was very kind to help me even though he didn't have to. I’m just a stranger…”

Difyr sniffed and looked at the contents of the jars and little pouches, nodding as she recognized many of the herbs and handed them back. “That’s how Lek is, his parents are much the same.” With how Miyuki’s conversation kept circling back to Lek, Difyr wondered if sending him away was the right call or not. “Foxfire… I’m afraid I do not know much about… kitsunes.” Difyr sounded out the last word as if she was reading it. That the men used something that paralyzed her, and inhibited some ability, was alarming, but the healer kept herself calm and composed.

“Yes, foxfire…it’s something we kitsunes can use, so I’m assuming those men…knew how to deal with it.” Miyuki was hesitant to speak. “I feel a bit like I stand out like a sore thumb here…not just because of what I am, but my name and…well…just everything about me.” She always felt like she didn’t fit in anywhere and had even changed her name a few times, but always went back to her original one, Miyuki.

Difyr wondered if Bai or even Alex would have to talk to her about this. The men who attacked Miyuki had some magical understanding. Difyr did not think it was just a random assault. The resident magic users might know something about them. With how nervous Miyuki was, of course Difyr was not going to suggest it at the moment. Difyr poured the tea and offered Miyuki a cup. “People will get used to you.” Difyr assured her.

Slowly and politely taking the tea, Miyuki nodded and took a sip. “Mmm, this is nice…” She murmured, shocked that she liked the taste and the warmth it gave her. Even her stomach did not seem bothered by it. For the past month, she had been forced to take pit stops just to empty her stomach. She was positive this kid was going to be a handful when they met the world.

“Is it okay if I rest in here for tonight?” She asked.

Difyr nodded. “It’s usually quiet here at night. I usually don’t get patients after this hour. You should be left alone here.” Difyr sipped on her own tea thoughtfully. “How do you feel?” Difyr asked.

“A bit more relaxed,” Miyuki admitted and drank more of the tea. It was soothing, calming. This was definitely something she needed at the moment.

“That’s good. Any pain?” Difyr asked.

The kitsune shook her head. “No,” She answered, brushing her hair out of her face and finishing the tea. “I think I’ll rest for a bit. I am tired…”

“Okay. If you need me I'll be just next door.” Difyr had more to ask her, but she was patient. She went over to one of the cupboards and looked at some worn books, handwritten notes from her predecessor, the elderly healer who trained her. Difyr picked up one of the volumes and slipped out of the room.

Miyuki slipped beneath the covers after putting everything back into her bag. She pulled the blanket up to her chin and silently wept until she fell asleep.


Alex would walk the halls later that night unable to sleep. As he walked he began to softly hum a song his mother would sing to him when he was a child.

“Hey guv.” Questa greeted Alex, probably on her way to some mischief.

Ears twitching, Miyuki listened to the pair, keeping hidden beneath the blanket of her bed.

Alex waved to her as he leaned against the wall looking outside the window.

Questa drew her shiv and casually sharpened it against a stone in the wall.

"Staying out of trouble I take it?" Alex asked.

“Wiv all the rules, then, eh, guv?” Questa snorted. “It’s impossible.”


Bai was walking along the walls, reinforcing the wards.

Lek managed to eat a few sticky buns and some cheese. He went back upstairs and found Difyr in the room next to her healing room.

“Is Miyuki okay?” Lek asked her.

“You didn’t hurt her.” Difyr assured him. “As far as I can tell she will be okay.”

Lek still felt bad about crashing into her, she was pregnant afterall.

“She’s resting now.” Difyr continued. “You should get some sleep too.”

Lek shrugged. “Is Pinja really okay?”

Difyr sighed. “She survived. She can only get better from now.”

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