Image of Bob Chicken

Summary: Hello, I am Bob

Bob Chicken

Owned by:

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Group: Buckley Villager



Status/Family (if any)


Occupation or Trade (if any)

Former porter at the Buckley Inn. Former chicken farmer.

Skills/Special abilities (if any)

Is really good with birds.


Is incredibly simple minded.

Notable possessions/weapons (if any)

Lots of bird seed and chicken feed in his pockets

Physical Appearance

Face has acne scars
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Height/Weight: 6’ 160 pounds

Personality and interests

Good natured, ‘chivalrous’, polite. Loves birds.


Bob was born on a farm on the outskirts of the village. The farm has always had a large number of chickens and other birds, Bob’s particular favorite was a rooster named Mister Cluck. When Mister Cluck died of old age Bob was so distraught he built a monument in the rooster’s honor… The ‘monument’ was made of a large pile of hay, manure and stones from his family’s farm shaped like a rooster’s comb. Unfortunately he built it in the middle of the main road through the village. The monument has since been moved to behind the Inn’s stables. This monument miraculously survived the raid because the raiders assumed that it was just a dung heap.

Bob has been helping out at the inn since he was about 13, He is very polite to the guests and is willing to help out and is good at carrying luggage. But he is often a hindrance. His love for birds has him bringing his feathered friends to his job often, and once he even checked a pair of doves into the inn’s honeymoon suite.

Bob survived the raid unscathed physically, but has been depressed about his chickens which scattered during the raid and he has been unable to find them. He misses the Inn too, but has been trying to fill a similar role in the Keep.

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Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Bob Chicken
Updated character profile Dec 28, 2023, 4:22pm
Mentioned in the post The Keep Under Attack Oct 19, 2023, 8:39pm
Mentioned in the post JP - The Keep - Dormitory - Bleeding Sep 26, 2023, 9:11pm
Mentioned in the post JP - The Keep - Dormitory - Mr Royce Squeaks Sep 26, 2023, 9:09pm
Updated character profile Sep 26, 2023, 9:07pm
Mentioned in the post JP - The Keep - Dormitory - A Rude Husband Sep 26, 2023, 9:06pm
Updated character profile Sep 14, 2023, 11:45pm
Updated character profile Jun 16, 2023, 11:19pm
Updated character profile Jun 16, 2023, 11:17pm
Mentioned in the post