Characters in this post

View character profile for: Elizabeth Ellington

View character profile for: Dr. Maximillian Jackal and Big Red

View character profile for: Lily Lavigne

View character profile for: Mr. Sung Shun Shi

View character profile for: Countess Constance Charbonneau

View character profile for: Baron Hadwin Greenwood
Lost minds and friends
Posted byPosted: Apr 27, 2023, 11:50pm
JP with Cindy and Redsword
Paris, France
Early Morning
The House
Once Vor left Elizabeth sat down and her face fell as her mind went over all the different scenarios of what could have happened to Doctor Jackal and Sasha. None of what she envisioned was good.
Elizabeth hoped Sung came back soon, she wanted to discuss with him what to do about the current predicament if anything.
After Sung got cleaned up he came back downstairs and told him where Elizabeth was he ordered some tea and walk into the room. Elizabeth was heavy in thought staring at the floor. He waited for a good minute then cleared his throat To get her attention.
"Miss Ellington, have we not spoken about knowing your surroundings?" He spoke in a warm but firm tone. Changing subjects "Lady Elisabeth, I have returned what have you so occupied?" asked Sung more warm and submissive tone.
Sung's voice broke Elizabeth out of her thoughts. She gently bit her bottom lip, a habit that had been with her since childhood, it usually indicated there was a problem.
"I believe there might be an issue. Mr. Vor’Aster told me that there were reports of a monster attacking people on the opposite side of the Exposition, from where he and Lord Andrews were. They left as I had asked them to do." She paused briefly. "He said that they did not see Dr. Jackal or Miss Lagrave. I am concerned that something might have happened."
"Sung paused with a more concerned look now. "As a leader, what do your instincts say?" asked Sung. "What Is our mission?" more asking Elizabeth to think about that. "Does this fall within the parameters of the mission?" Said Sung with his guidance.
"My instincts say that whatever happened is not good." Elizabeth sighed. "Our mission is to stop Lamaire. However, I also believe that keeping Doctor Jackal from revealing his other side is part of the whole." Elizabeth looked directly at Sung. "What if it was Doctor Jackal's other side and not one of the creations from Lamaire's serum? I should not have sent him out there." It was a mistake and one which she was certain she would regret.
Seeing the regret on Elizabeth's face Sung smiled at her. "You made a decision on the information given. Never regret your decision just adapt to what comes next," he said sitting in a nearby chair. "Now you sent them to scout and look for information right? So now what does a leader do?" he asked Elizabeth. "leaders do not get to sit around and wonder, what if, you need to act to make sure all your team makes it back." Sung advised Elizabeth.
Sung looked as a servant brought his tea and the servant promptly left. "Do remember Doctor Jackal's other side is like a loaded gun a weapon. Watch where you point it or use it. others might get hurt if it is not used correctly." expressed Sung.
Nodding to the man's words. "I suppose my choices are to go look at the scene and see if they are still there. There is no way to trace where they went."
Sung's words made sense but Jackal's other side was an unknown. "It might be difficult to aim it at all if we are unaware of when it will show up."
"It is just something we need to learn. who are you going to send out? and are you sure they are not coming back here did you give them a time to be back?" asked Sung. It felt like he was training a new commander. Elisabeth was learning fast Sung one day knew he could sit back and watch her go.
"I would think they would come back here, assuming they can. I would not be concerned about the time if I did not know about the attack." Elizabeth thought for a moment. "I do not think sending out anyone would accomplish much. I suppose waiting and if they are not back at a responsible time. Let us say, by the time tea is over, then I will send out someone."
About then there was a knock in the door. It was one of the servants, with an envelope of manila paper, enclosed with a wax stamp. She knew who had sent it even before opening it.
She did not say anything though until the note inside had been read. "It's from headquarters. More specifically, Baron Greenwood. He wants the whole team to be at headquarters tomorrow morning." Elizabeth looked at Sung. "Well, Mr. Sung one day as a team and already summoned to headquarters, I do believe we have set a new record."
Sung chuckled and then got serious. "well, it would have been bad if Baron Greenwood showed up here. With others and magic cuffs." Said Sung with a grin. "I am sure the others will come back tonight," Sung said looking out a window. "Big Red don't destroy the city" he mumbled. "Should we put on tea then?" ask Sung.
"That is true, I suppose." The Baron was not among Elizabeth's favorite people to visit but nothing to be done about it now.
"I found out some interesting things at the guild today. That reminds me Miss Celliar, Sadie, sends her greetings." Elizabeth said with a slight smile. The receptionist was always a pleasant sort. "As does Countess Charabonneu."
The Countess was a rather nice woman and extending a greeting to Elizabeth's chaperone would not be unusual for her.
"The Countess helped me. Were you aware that she is a member of the order? She mentioned that all the heads of the magic guilds in London and Russia are also members of the order. My father did not tell me that information." It was stated as any fact. Elizabeth had just been surprised to find out about that.
"I found out more information about why someone might have stolen the Visage, that has nothing to do with money," Elizabeth said.
"Miss Celliar, Sadie, Oh yes I will have to say something to her next time I am in there. No, I did not know she was part of the order. I am not surprised either. Countess Charabonneu seems like a nice lady. But I don't talk to her much she is way above my station. I will leave you to talk to her Lady Elizabeth." said Sung with some surprise.
"Now, stolen the Visage, new information?" asked Sung interested in what Elizabeth would say.
"Yes, there used to be a religion called The Children of The Sea. Mostly humans. They lasted for about fifty years." Elizabeth began. "They believed that the Araunda artifacts held magical properties. Of course, they do not. The Visage apparently has an inscription on the bottom of it. The belief was if the inscription was said three times it would grant the answer to any question." She let that information linger for only a moment before adding the rest. "The bigger concern is that it was also believed that adding the dust of the Visage would render any elixirs or potion more powerful."
Elizabeth let that information in. "The Countess gave me a book about the Children of The Sea. I relayed that information to Mr. Vor. He asked to be able to go over the book. I agreed, so he has the book now."
"This is good Mr. Vor is here I can't read that language. The Children of The Sea is probably a cult. Now this will make them dangerous. if not fanatical if they are involved." Sung paused. thinking. "I don't like it. I have seen firsthand what a cult is capable of. My father had to kill all of them with the one cult I saw. They just would not give up. It was the first time I saw my father sad about what he had to do." Sung gave a sigh his face showed how this affected Sung.
"If Doctor Lemaire is using them this could turn out very bad for the Cult. he might convince them to take a shot or drink an elixir," said Sung.
"Well, the original book is in Greek. The translation I had was French which Mr. Vor said he is not fluent in but I directed him to translation books that are in the library here." Elizabeth explained. "According to what is currently known about the Children of The Sea they were a religion for about fifty years and then faded out. However, some of their beliefs still persist." Elizabeth thought for a moment. "I would not be overly surprised if they went underground or perhaps the religion is being revitalized." Elizabeth seemed to remember something. "The book about them was in a secret area of the guild. An Empirical Mage library. The Countess seemed to be concerned about people finding out about the religion or the possibility that it might be brought back."
"Hmm..." replied Sung. "I am no expert in the cults. I am sure there is more to it than what we know. and they could be anyone but the fact that the book was in Greek was interesting. To find this out we need to know more about the cult." Suggested Sung.
"I will let Mr. Vor have time to get through the book. The Araunda was originally from an island off the coast of Greece." Elizabeth only knew that because she was a history buff. "I suppose once I know more I can do more research as well."
Elizabeth's mind seemed to be thinking. "Tomorrow, after we make our visit to headquarters, I would like for you to escort me to the Exposition. If it was Jackal or something else, I should see the damage done."
"Agreed my lady," replied Sung also thinking. "If the good doctor does not come back tonight then we won't have the whole team tomorrow. Was it just you and me headquarters wanted to see?" asked Sung.
"No, the note said the Baron wanted the entire team there." Elizabeth's face showed concern. "Let us hope Doctor Jackal and Sasha do make it back. I do not think it will be good if they do not." She was clearly concerned about them.
Another knock, this time it was a servant announcing tea would be served shortly. Elizabeth thanked the servant who left.
"Mr. Sung, shall we go to tea?"
"Yes, my lady. Sung stands and motions for Elisabeth to go first. Sung follows thinking about the conversation.