The Angry Skin
Aug 11, 2022, 4:55pm
JP with Winteroak and Cindy
The next few days pass lazily as the Ozainae barque makes its way down river buffeted by the warm winds of the desert.
There is no denying the strangene ...
Bone crusher
Aug 10, 2022, 3:20pm
JP with Lucian, Winteroak and Bandorchu
Alexis swiftly moved to Tarmen’s side, determined to stay with her friend if at all possible.
“Pick a direction and give them a run for the ...
River Journey Begins
Aug 10, 2022, 7:12am
JP with White_Caribou, Winteroak and Cindy
There journey continued for a few days until the reached a part of the river that would lead them to Gra'akast. The river was wider here and ...
Time Has Run Out
Aug 9, 2022, 7:04pm
Joint post between Bandorchu, Winteroak, and LucianNepreen
The knife Tarmen passed on to one of the natives was being used to help free the captives. A few were already fleeing in terror. ...
Into the Fray
Aug 8, 2022, 3:14pm
Joint post with Bandorchu, Winteroak, and LucianNepreen
A breath for courage and a nod to Alexis began Tarmen’s attack. Wanting to use their advantage as long as possible however, he con ...
Sentinel Strike
Aug 8, 2022, 10:47am
Joint post between Bandorchu and LucianNepreen
Looking around at each warrior, Tarmen wasn’t thrilled that they had been right. He had to wonder how many cultures here worked slavery i ...
Aug 8, 2022, 8:37am
Jp with Lucian, Winteroak and Bandorchu
Alexis looked from the canoes to the trail, then back to her companions.
“Might be people from around here looking for something in particu ...
Aug 7, 2022, 5:37pm
JP with Winteroak, Cindy, and White_Caribou
"Whoever hears the call is drawn to walk the same steps the first Seer walked thousands of years ago." Agizul said. "We call it the Pilgrimage ...
Connecting Departure
Aug 7, 2022, 4:21pm
Voah nuzzled Litany and kissed her on the side of her head and then give her last ‘thank yous’ and goodbyes to the horse, Zargani, and rest of the traveling Atsigani whom she had become ...
Aug 6, 2022, 6:38pm
Early morning after the performance of last night from the Atsigani, Voah and Gonyaul rise and pack their belongings including their tent. Zargani as promised arrange ...
Aug 6, 2022, 10:49am
JP with Winteroak and Cindy
Islana watched with the same kind of wonder at the display by the two Priests, as she had when Shalia had demonstrated her ability.
Life and Death, San ...
Circle of Calm
Aug 6, 2022, 5:45am
Shalia had been seated near Islana but positioned further back from the fire than the others gathered around it. She had enough of the heat for one day, fire was not what she wished to surro ...
The Show Part 2
Aug 5, 2022, 3:49pm
After Zargani finished his announcements, one of the Atsigani women sat cross legged in the center of the stage as others stood or sat on the sides with instruments. Soon a droning and buzzi ...