Recalling the Day's Events
Feb 21, 2022, 9:14am
JP with Omni, Bandorchu, Jaxx, Strangetides & Lucian
Sentinel Island - Evening of the 2nd Day
Voah pulled her sword as Till rushed her and she put a hand to his chest stopping h ...
Winds of Change
Feb 20, 2022, 10:58pm
Gonyaul woke the next morning very early, it was uncomfortably colder today. The sun's warming rays had not yet kissed the earth and he couldn't even hear the sounds around him due to the ch ...
Meeting Markus
Feb 20, 2022, 9:36am
Timestamp: Lowood - City's Main Forge
Melandra made her way into Lowood early in the morning. The Duke bad another mission for her and having dealt with the Aghul and the clans up ...
Feb 20, 2022, 9:09am
Timestamp: Ostiarium Forest: Night
Hendrik shook his head. It was not surprise the young man got in trouble so quickly on that first day upon arriving at the colony.
The noble ...
Done talking..
Feb 19, 2022, 10:40pm
Wim listened to what they said. He considered it carefully.
“We will leave it to Henrich to decide, He is in charge of your mission and therefore is his choice,” the young noble said ...
Distrust Among Acquaintances
Feb 19, 2022, 9:11pm
The more Wim spoke the more annoyed Islana was with him and when he was dismissive of her she had a strong urge to… she let that thought fall by the wayside because she knew she was better ...
Feb 19, 2022, 8:02pm
Timestamp: Ostiarium Forest: Night
Jiyn couldn't hold his piece any longer.
"If he reports you and not us, who is going to believe the importance of your "vision?" He asked genui ...
Feb 19, 2022, 7:58pm
As soon as Markus returned to the town, he began hurriedly preparing, excited for what was to come. As he ran around the smithy, his fellow workers had an unending stream of questions, all o ...
response to Islana
Feb 19, 2022, 7:34pm
Wim looked at Islana while still playing with the knife.
“He has to report on me about the war and it coming or the deal I made was for nothing,” Wim said.
“There will be question ...
Feb 19, 2022, 6:51pm
Timestamp: Ostiarium forest - Night
Jiyn listed to everyone's reactions and he could tell the young noble was not thinking straight. Whatever he had sacrificed for the vision he w ...
The Unfortunate Ties That Bind
Feb 19, 2022, 5:29pm
Something about Wim was bugging Islana even more than before. He just seemed not just privileged, which made him untrustworthy in the first place, but as he spoke his tone had turned notic ...
Responding to the threat.
Feb 19, 2022, 5:25pm
Wim smiled at him and made his body language more ridged like his father had his tutors beat into him.
“Spitting in the fire is a horrible superstition and unbecoming. I am sure you wil ...
Back at camp
Feb 19, 2022, 4:59pm
Sentinel Island Camp
Alexis, Tarmen, Arbiter Voah and Hunter made their way to the camp. The tide had risen and the walk from the wreck into the beach had meant wade into ...