Friends for All Days
Oct 1, 2022, 2:52pm
Click here for the music to Gonyaul’s song below.
In Vauxian tongue:
“The seasons keep turning’
Beneath stars that roam
I reach out t ...
Oct 1, 2022, 2:31pm
Great Desert of Skulls
Tarmen, watched quietly at the exchange between the trio and the newcomer. She was offered food and drink, and seemed relief to have found company and ...
Points of interest
Oct 1, 2022, 12:29pm
‘Obelisk of Life’. ‘Obelisk of Fate’.
Well, as far as Alexis was concerned she’d prefer the former translation. She was currently pretty fed up with ‘fate’.
The mercenary ...
Where She Is
Oct 1, 2022, 10:56am
The sun was back to its full glory and the heat had quickly gained power. While it seemed impossible to get completely used to either one, that fair skin of hers wasn't helping, Islana had ...
Guest of ‘Honor’
Oct 1, 2022, 8:57am
With several days of forced walking, Tarmen had become officially fried. What little water he had been given was no comfort to his now cracked lips, which was no help to the sting that each ...
All Things Big Come From Small
Sep 30, 2022, 8:54pm
On his way home From helping the hungry little girl, Gonyaul’s thoughts drifted back to what Voah had said about how kindness and a smile weren’t going to stop evil. His paced slowed as ...
Hel's Maw
Sep 30, 2022, 7:53pm
To the north of the Great Desert of Skulls and to the west of the Odsier range lies the area know as Hel's Maw, covering large swathes of the northern coast of central Arcadia.
The lan ...
Two Coppers Worth of Altruism
Sep 30, 2022, 6:27pm
Gonyaul looked down into his shabby purse and had to tilt the small bag so the sun could explore inside at a better angle to highlight the three coppers at the bottom. It was his earning for ...
Sep 30, 2022, 4:01pm
More and more people arrive in the city, as the days go by. Those that pass through the old colossal wooden gates, come to stay with distant relatives who still prefer ci ...
Sep 30, 2022, 3:24pm
Pilgrimage of Bones
Islana walked towards the horizon, she often had to slow herself down so that Madaya could catch up. Her long strides could easily leave the young child ...
Golden Bird On The Ledge
Sep 30, 2022, 2:49pm
Gonyaul was down at the docks again today and Voah knew she had maybe half a bell before he returned. She had been out exploring and the sun was about to set. While sneaking around the upper ...
Sep 30, 2022, 12:56pm
Oshar was not a wise man. He had been chosen for his loyalty, his skill and his flare for the dramatic. Donning his travelling clothes before leaving the settlement had been his first mistak ...
Sep 30, 2022, 12:07pm
Great Desert of Skulls
Later in the evening as the light of the waning moon hardly illuminated the desert below, Tarmen watched as the figure of a young woman emerged from t ...