Showing posts 1651 - 1665 of 2814

Meerkat with an Attitude

Jul 1, 2022, 6:12pm by Lorem

JP with Voah and Gonyaul: Gonyaul kept running. As soon as the eruption came within roughly a fifteen foot radius of him, nothing happened. Yet Voah couldn’t see that, because from her ...

Magik and Earth

Jul 1, 2022, 6:10pm by Lorem

JP with Voah and Gonyaul: The horses neighed with anxiety, feeling a change in the atmospheric pressure seconds before the magik unnaturally took hold of the environment. Gonyaul was hold ...

Voah Disarmed

Jul 1, 2022, 6:06pm by Lorem

JP with Voah and Gonyaul: Gonyaul knew the difference between anger and urgency in a voice. He turned to see the horses spooked and moving away at Voah’s imperative command. He turned a ...

Get the Horses!

Jul 1, 2022, 6:04pm by Lorem

JP with Voah and Gonyaul: The Odsier warrior was pushed back from Voah and Gonyual, now armed with only one dagger. Using her existing momentum, Voah charged forward with her sword poi ...

The Emissary

Jul 1, 2022, 5:38pm by White_Caribou

JP with Winteroak and White_Caribou As Shalia Nix entered the walled-off area of the courtyard, she caught the scent of the roasting goat and her mouth began to water. While walking, she ...


Jul 1, 2022, 5:21pm by Bandorchu

Jp with Jaxx and Bandorchu Alexis made do with what she had to make Hunter as comfortable as circumstances allowed. “Don’t we all…” she murmured regarding Tar’s comment abo ...

A Different World

Jul 1, 2022, 4:50pm by Cindy

Left speechless by the young man's reaction to her admission, Islana just stood there for a moment trying to let her mind come to terms with what was happening. It was difficult to com ...

No fool like the present one

Jul 1, 2022, 2:11pm by Zeeke

The sun glared brightly making the other harder to see. Wim knew that he would appear like a white cloth on dark soil in their eyes. His skin had started to redden with sun burn and he envie ...


Jul 1, 2022, 1:48pm by Winteroak

Kumik Village - Fang Alexis - You rode for an hour into the dark with Tar leading the way. The fire would only prove a distraction for so long before they realised their pri ...

Flying sparks

Jul 1, 2022, 1:07pm by Bandorchu

Alexis had taken her chances with the communal fire place in hopes that there would still be some ember left to work with. She had brought flint and steel, but that would make noise she wou ...


Jul 1, 2022, 12:21pm by Winteroak

Armat Caravanserai Islana - The young Odonine warrior claps his hands in what you feel is genuine delight at your words, as if saying 'I knew it'. Never in your young ...

What now?

Jul 1, 2022, 12:12pm by Winteroak

Odsier Plains Wim - Later in the afternoon you see a group riding in your direction, herding their animals. You can see a few dozen riders and many more simply walking. A tr ...


Jun 30, 2022, 2:03pm by Zeeke

Location: The Great Plain Wim rode holding the man on the horse. He talked about everything he could think about. Life back across the sea, traveling on the ship, women he had know ...

The way to a dog’s heart…

Jun 30, 2022, 8:17am by Bandorchu

The next night found Tar and Alexis yet again observing the village from the cover of the shrubbery, as prepared as they could ever be. The day had been spent on resting up, with the addi ...

Odsier Survivor Attacks

Jun 29, 2022, 10:20pm by Lorem

JP with voah, winteroak and Gonyaul. Gonyaul’s was in the lead, playing along with the tactic Voah suggested of a man being in the front. As he rode atop Amu, he got a higher vantage p ...

Showing posts 1651 - 1665 of 2814