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View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Malacost Spuria
First Aid
JP with Jaxx, Winteroak and Cindy
Islana got up and went over to Starn, so not to concern Hunter even more kept her voice low.
"I feel I should warn you about something before you decide for certain to come with us. I'm not going to get into details but we might run into a man who is dangerous. You are still welcome to come with us but I thought you should know."
Islana's conscience wouldn't let her not tell this man that part of the truth, he had the right to know what he was possibly walking into.
Starn nodded at Islana's words. "That is very fair of you. Thank you." He said looking into her eyes. "I will take first watch. See to that your friend is settled in for the night...x
Islana nodded got Hunter settled in, she lay near him but between her arm, back and the fact she wasn't sure still how much to trust the new addition to their group, sleep was going to be impossible.
Once Hunter was asleep the young woman got up and went over by Stran. "You wouldn't know anything about first aid would you?"
Maybe he could help her, maybe he couldn't but she probably needed to at least try to do something about her own injuries.
"What's bothering you?" He asked. Although not a doctor anyone living in the wild needed to have some sort of basic skills.
He bid her to come closer. He grabbed at her arm and pulled at it slowly, turning and twisting it, to see what range of movement she had and what caused more pain.
His hands felt along her bones and muscles trying to ascertain is anything was broken.
"How did you hurt yourself?" He asked testing her movements above her shoulder
It hurt a great deal to have her arm manipulated like that. The range of movement was limited, especially in her wrist and forearm. Her shoulder was also limited but that also could have been due to her back injuries, Islana couldn't tell.
"The man I said might show up. He threw me in the air. I landed on my back but my arm came down hard."
Stran nodded. "Is it badly bruised?" He asked her.
Hunter was worn out but unable to sleep with the other man around so he pretended to sleep as he meditated. He didn’t want to disturb Islana so he remained still.
"Here", Islana removed the leather half sleeve that was over her clothing, from there was was able to unbutton, then roll up her sleeve.
Upon rolling it up, it was easy to see the arm was bruised and there was some swelling.
Stran touched the wrist and forearm gently feeling for any obvious injuries.
"I don't think it's broken. Maybe a sprain." He looked at the still figure of Hunter. "Wasn't helped if you had to carry him around." He said and went to his backpack. Pulling a piece of cloth from inside he folded it in a sort of triangular shape, tying both ends. Coming closer to Islana he looped it over her head. "When possible you should wear it in this sling." He told her. "It will prevent you from moving your arm too much as you heal." He suggested.
A sprain that was a relief compared to the things that had run through the young woman's mind as to what could have been wrong with it. A sprain, even a bad one, would heal eventually with rest.
Islana glanced over towards Hunter, at least she could tell him as it wasn't so worrying.
"Thank you," she told Stran and then got up and went to check on Hunter.