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View character profile for: Wim Riese
Search for a passage.
Joint post Wim, Wolf, and Winteroak
Wolf kept the light to the front mostly but moved it around to the sides and back to make sure they were not being encircled. He had said nothing to Wim trying to hear what was going around him. All that training his grandfather had put him through was coming back to him. Boyce, you are the wolf his grandfather used to say to him. Embrace the dark and become one with it use it. Know that you have no fear of it, but they will fear it.
"Wim stop," Wolf said just over the noise of the scampering feet of the large rats. "Give them time to move and watch where they go. They know this place better than we do," explained Wolf.
Wolf hated Rats but not as much as snakes. He really did not like their situation. The strange writing caught Wolf’s eyes He walks over to examine it.
The writing is similar to the writing on the Fire Shrine. You assume that is likely to be the language of the Odonine.
The archway leads down to a pathway covered in dust, broken cobblestones, and masonry. You cannot see the end of the tunnel or its ramp but it appears to lead several meters down into the dark.
Wolf made some quick notes having Wim hold the candle lamp.
"I guess it is into the belly of the beast," Wolf said.
Wolf looked around.
"Watch the rats and don't aggravate more than we need to," suggested Wolf walking deeper down the tunnel or its ramp.
Wolf slowed his pace some so he could count his steps to judge distance.
They walk down for what seemed like hours. The pathway is broken here and there but is for the most part unobstructed.
Wolf and Wim keep silent and an eye out for the rats.
When they finally reach the end of the ramp you must have been walking at least 100 meters down. The tunnel bends to the right but the mouth of the cave is partially blocked by fallen rocks. With a little investigation, they realize they could squeeze through the opening and go farther.
Wim looked at Wolf and then started to slide his way through the opening letting the torch go first.
The space ahead of him was tight and made one feel claustrophobic but inch by inch, meter by meter they make their way through the blockage in the tunnel. Then crawled on their belly for what seemed like a good hour before reaching an opening in the caves ahead. The sound of rushing water was nearby and a paved tunnel leading down appeared. On the walls of the halls, you see a large carved rune glowing in the dark.
Wim waits for Wolf to come through and then starts to examine the runes. The glowing runes made his heart leap, this was useful magic. He moved close to the runes and touched the stones to feel as if they were warm to the touch. Lost in his thoughts he worked his way to see the running water and the scene.
The water came down from a good height producing a roar that filled the place with sound and crashed down into a cavernous area. Walking down the hall different colors of quartz reflected the light of the torch and the runes on their facing.
“It might be blasphemy, but I would love to be able to produce light like that or even a small flame to light a candle or the fireplace on a cold morning,” Wim said letting Wolf into his thinking.
He reached out his hand and felt the sting of the force of the water and cupped his hand to take a drink of it. It was almost as good as the Brewmaster’s Ale.
Wim being lost in the moment started talking about memories, “As a child, I once heard a story about underground rivers and lakes that were large enough to navigate by ships. Normally, to take the bad children away. I never believed I would ever see something like that. I thought it was just tales to scare children.”
He took a water skin and caught the edge of a rivulet filling it.
As his torch flared and went out, Wim suggested that they head back as he only had a single torch left to reach the surface. So slowly they head back to the surface.