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View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Malacost Spuria
Joining Stran's Camp
JP with Jaxx, Winteroak, and Cindy
Islana left as quickly as she could, and when she made it back to camp. It was clear from her expression something had changed and possibly for the better.
"We're moving to over there," The young woman told Hunter, pointing out the light from the campfire.
"There is a man over there, he is willing to help us. His name is Stran."
Islana wasn't really giving Hunter a chance to say no as she put out their fire and packed up what little they had set out.
Hunter looked at Islana as she was making a solid order. He could see she was serious about camping with a stranger. He knew it was a bad idea but His options were limited at the moment since he could barely move in his condition without pain and stiffness. So he spoke up, "Alright." He then staggered as he got up and began to move with Islana to the new camsite. Hopefully her instincts were good and she was not leading them to a trap.
Islana helped Hunter into Stran's camp. The man, although weary, noticed the man was not faking his condition. He could barely move.
He helped Islana with Hunter and set him close to the fire.
"What's wrong with him?" He asked Islana. "Spider bite?"
Hunter replied, “Brown Recluse Spider.” Hunter sighed after that. He wanted to see the man’s response.
The man looked at Hunter. " Never heard of that. You have been bitten? Where?" He asked, looking at Islana.
Islana let Hunter answer for himself, she simply nodded. It didn't matter if Hunter lied if it got him the help he needed.
The idea of camping with a stranger never would have entered her mind if their wasn't desperation in what they were up against but their options were more limited by the moment.
"For the antidote we need honey and the Sad Cap mushrooms."
If not the mushroom maybe he had spotted bees that might lead them to honey.
While she was willing to accept this man's help, trust was never going to be completely given. Islana resigned that they should still be weary of Stran. It would be a sleepless night for her but, it was worth it.
The man went into his pack and gave Islana a small jar. "Here."
Islana took the jar and looked to see what was in it though she assumed it might be honey. "Thank you."
The man looked at Hunter. Clearly not a researcher or a scholar looking at the weapons the man was carrying. They were clearly hiding something but everyone had secrets.
"Think nothing of it. It's just a thimble of honey." He said and went back to his fire where he took a slab of meat from the fire.
He offered for Islana and Hunter to help themselves.
"I should really get my catch butchered and cooked, if we could share some of the fire."
Islana went off to the side, and butchered the small animals though slower than usual. She then went about cooking them on a open area of the fire.
While Hunter could of course partake in the man's food, Islana had a feeling he might not.
As the food was cooking she pulled out a few of the remaining leaves that were used to make the medicinal tea, and showed them to Stran.
"Have you seen by of these plants nearby?"